Event Sender
An interface for sending analytics events from 0bsnetwork Client JS applications.
import EventSender from '@0bsnetwork/event-sender';
// EventSender is a singleton, so any new attemps at instantiation
// will return a reference to a previously created instance
const sender = new EventSender();
// E.g.
const sender2 = new EventSender();
sender === sender2 // true
// Static method .inactive() returns an instance of EventSender that queues events,
// but does not send them until .activate() method is called
const sender = EventSender.inactive();
// (!) If an EventSender instance has been activated before, this will
// return a reference to it, so it WILL be active.
/** Queue custom event */
sender.push('Product', 'GetClientClick', 'my_custom_label', 2.0);
* Queue page view
* Useful for SPA page transitions when no
* pageView event is tracked by default.
sender.pushPageView(window.location.href, document.referrer);
// Enables sending events, including those queued before.
// EventSender methods are chainable:
.push('Product', 'GetClientClick', 'my_custom_label', 2.0)
.pushPageView(window.location.href, document.referrer)
.push('Home', 'Subscribe');