Event Data reader
Command line tool for reading events from 10Duke Event Data service.
Usage: event-data-reader [options] <getEndpointUrl> <feed>
Command line tool for reading event data from 10Duke Event Data service. Retrieves event data internally in chunks and writes a single JSON array with all retrieved events.
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --after <after> Timestamp from which events are requested, in nanoseconds since the Epoch
or as a parseable datetime string (ISO 8601). If not specified, reading
starts from the oldest event.
-b, --before <before> Timestamp until which events are requested, in nanoseconds since the Epoch
or as a parseable datetime string (ISO 8601). If not specified, reads until
no newer events available.
-k, --key <privateKeyFile> private key file, used for building authorization token
-m, --max-event-count <maxEventCount> maximum number of events to return per request (default: "500")
-x, --max-rounds <maxRounds> maximum number of requests to send in order to get all events between
--after and --before, or -1 for unlimited / until all retrieved (default:
-r, --max-retries <maxRetries> maximum number of retries if a request fails (default: "5")
-o, --output <filePath> File for writing events received from the server. If not specified, writes
to stdout.
-d, --debug output debug info (default: no debug output)
-h, --help display help for command
Example call:
$ event-data-reader acme-idp -k acme.private.pem -a 2020-02-15 -b 2020-02-16T12:00:00.000Z -o acme-events.json
If running directly from the project without installing the command line tool, instead of using event-data-reader
use npm run event-data-reader --
(there must be a space after --
, specify arguments after it).