
NestJS npm package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 2muchcoffeeNestjsContext from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@2muchcoffee/nestjs-context';



Allows you to get the request context outside of the NestJs request scope


npm install @2muchcoffee/nestjs-context --save


Import ContextModule to AppModule or CoreModule for once

import { ContextModule } from '@2muchcoffee/nestjs-context';
  imports: [
export class AppModule {

After ContextModule import you can use Context and its static functions in your code

import { Context } from '@2muchcoffee/nestjs-context';
const {user} = Context.getHttpReq<Request>();

Note: In most cases author uses @2muchcoffee/nestjs-context to get context in custom validators. See samples for more details.


You should install @2muchcoffee/nestjs-gql-context in order to get the correct context on the framework usage

npm install @2muchcoffee/nestjs-gql-context --save

If you want the graphql context, you can get it using GqlContext instead of Context

import { GqlContext } from '@2muchcoffee/nestjs-gql-context';
GqlContext.getGqlContext<{req: Request}>()

Static Methods

Method Description
Context import { Context } from '@2muchcoffee/nestjs-context'
getContext Returns the current request pipeline
getHttpArgs Returns an array of arguments being passed to the handler
getHttpReq Returns a request object
getHttpRes Returns a response object
getType Returns the current execution context type (string)
isHttp Returns true if the current execution context type is http
isGraphql Returns true if the current execution context type is graphql
GqlContext import { GqlContext } from '@2muchcoffee/nestjs-gql-context';
Context extends from GqlContext and has the same methods
getExecutionContext Returns the current gql execution context
getGqlRoot The previous object sent from the previous Query type
getGqlArgs Arguments provided in the GraphQL query
getGqlContext A value which is provided to every resolver and holds important contextual information
getGqlInfo A value which holds field-specific information relevant to the current query


Take a look at samples in ./sample for usage examples.