Ripple | Components
Redraws any custom elements on the page when any of it's dependencies change (either the component definition, data, or styles).
Given the following markup on your page:
<component-name data="something">
With a component-name
(function) and something
(data) registered in Ripple, it will invoke<el>, something)
whenever a change is detected in either of those resources. Internally, this is basically implemented as follows but in a more generic form:
ripple('something').on('change', function(){
All instances of Custom Elements will be upgraded automatically. You can also manually invoke renders:
ripple.draw(<el> | resource object | resource name)
If the first parameter is a DOM element, it will rerender that. If it is a resource (name or object), it will rerender anything on your page that depends on that resource.
See the Primer#Components for more info