@4react / responsive
Responsiveness for React Applications.
npm i @4react/responsive
Define breakpoints
import { ResponsiveProvider } from '@4react/responsive'
const App = () => (
<ResponsiveProvider breakpoints={{
mobile: 0,
tablet: 768,
desktop: 992
Create responsive values
import { useResponsive } from '@4react/responsive'
const Foo = () => {
const responsive = useResponsive()
const width = responsive(['100%', 720, 960])
return (
<div style={{ width }}>
Render components conditionally
import { Responsive } from '@4react/responsive'
const App = () => (
<Responsive condition={{ max: 'tablet' }}>
<MobileMenu />
<Responsive condition="desktop">
<NavBar />
ResponsiveProvider [Component]
Use this component to provide responsiveness functionalities down to the application.
Props | Type | Default | Description |
breakpoints | object (see Breakpoints definition) | see Default breakpoints | [optional] Custom breakpoints configuration. |
Breakpoints definition
Breakpoints can be configured with an object map with the following characteristics:
- each key represent a custom breakpoint name
- each value represents the
minimum width
for corresponding breakpoint.
{ tablet: 768, desktop: 992 }
The example above specifies 2 values; the corresponding defined breakpoints are:
- tablet: 768 pixels and above.
- desktop: 992 pixels and above.
Nevertheless, a third breakpoint is implicitly defined, and will be automatically named "default":
- default: 0 and above. Fallback value if no breakpoint is currently matching the screen resolution.
Anyway, it's possible to define a custom name, even for the default breakpoint. Just define it with value 0.
{ mobile: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 992 }
In this case, breakpoints will be:
- mobile: 0 pixels and above.
- tablet: 768 pixels and above.
- desktop: 992 pixels and above.
NOTE: The order in which values are specified does not influence breakpoints order. Values will be sorted in ascending order.
Default breakpoints
In case of no breakpoints' schema specified, the following values will be used:
{ xs: 480, sm: 576, md: 768, lg: 992, xl: 1200, xxl: 1600 }
Responsive [Component]
Use this component to conditionally render parts of your application.
// with children
<Responsive condition={...}>
<Content />
// with component prop
<Responsive condition={...} component={Content} />
// with render prop
<Responsive condition={...} render={
(breakpoint) => <Content breakpoint={breakpoint}/>
} />
Props | Type | Default | Description |
condition | string | array | object (see Responsive condition) | - | Defines the render condition. |
component | React Component | - | [optional] Render the specified component. |
render | Render Function | - | [optional] Render function, receiving the current active breakpoint. |
Responsive condition
A responsive condition can be described in 3 ways:
With a string
representing the name of a specific breakpoint.
<Responsive condition="mobile" ... />
With an array of string
representing a list of breakpoints names.
<Responsive condition={['xs', 'xxl']} ... />
With an object
containing one or more of the following keys:
- min:
representing the minimum breakpoint for which the condition is valid. - max:
representing the maximum breakpoint for which the condition is valid.
<Responsive condition={{ min: 'lg' }} ... />
<Responsive condition={{ min: 'sm', max: 'lg' }} ... />
useResponsive [hook]
Call this hook to obtain the responsive function, used for creating breakpoint-dependent values.
const responsive = useResponsive()
Param | Type | Default | Description |
breakpoints | array | - | [optional] Select a subset of breakpoints for which the responsive function will work (see Select a subset of breakpoints). |
The responsive function takes a set of values as argument and returns the value to consider for the current valid breakpoint. Let's consider the same 3-breakpoints schema used in Breakpoints definition example.
The example below specifies a value for each defined breakpoint.
// with default breakpoint
const width = responsive({ default: '100%', tablet: 720, desktop: 950 })
// without default breakpoint
const width = responsive({ mobile: '100%', tablet: 720, desktop: 950 })
It's also possible to use the array shorthand. Values will be associated to the breakpoint in the corresponding position, following the natural sorting.
const width = responsive(['100%', 720, 950])
In the example above, the second value in the array (720) will refer to the second breakpoint (tablet).
NOTE: The responsive
function can also be called with a simple value (string
or number
In this case the value is simply returned without any additional logic.
Many times you want to manage a responsive property without specifying values for each possible breakpoint e.g. a visibility property to set from "visible" to "hidden" when breakpoint change from tablet to desktop. In these cases, we can simply ignore non interesting breakpoints.
const visibility = responsive({ mobile: 'visible', desktop: 'hidden' })
// is the same of
const visibility = responsive({ mobile: 'visible', tablet: 'visible', desktop: 'hidden' })
Both the above lines creates the same responsive value.
In this case specifying a value for the tablet breakpoint is not necessary;
will automatically maintain the value declared for mobile
In general, a responsive value will be used for the specified breakpoint and for all the following, until another value will be found for a subsequent breakpoint.
Here another example using the default configuration see Default Breakpoints).
const height = responsive({ default: 32, md: 40, xxl: 48 })
In this case:
- default, xs and sm will take both value 32.
- md, lg and xl will all take value 40.
- xxl will take value 48.
NOTE: Using the array notation you are forced to declare a value for each breakpoint.
Skipping a value will cause the breakpoint in the corresponding position to have value undefined
Anyway you can use this notation on a subset of breakpoints (See Select a breakpoints subset)
Select a breakpoints subset
If needed, we can use the useResponsive optional parameter to specify a desired subset of breakpoints; this can be done listing their names:
const responsive = useResponsive(['default', 'md', 'xxl'])
const width = responsive([32, 40, 48])
In the above example, the responsive function will take an array of 3 values, corresponding to the 3 breakpoints selected with the hook parameter.
useResponsiveCondition [hook]
Use this hook to create boolean checks using the same condition logics of the Responsive component (See Responsive Component).
Param | Type | Default | Description |
breakpoints | string | array | object (See Responsive Component) | - | Specify the checker condition. |
// single breakpoint
const isMobile = useResponsiveCondition('mobile')
// list of breakpoints
const isMobile = useResponsiveCondition(['xs', 'sm', 'md'])
// configuration objet
const isMobile = useResponsiveCondition({ max: 'md' })
useCurrentBreakpoint [hook]
Use this hook to obtain the actual valid breakpoint.
const current = useCurrentBreakpoint()
useIsBreakpointDetected [hook]
Breakpoint is detected at runtime. Use this hook to check if a breakpoint is still to be detected during the first application render.
const isBreakpointDetected = useIsBreakpointDetected()
if (!isBreakpointDetected) {
render <Loader />
render <App />