
An Ethereum Client Wrapper With HD-Wallet, Web3 Provider, Web3 Services and Encryption

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import abdelrahmanAbdelhamedChainClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@abdelrahman-abdelhamed/chain-client';


Chain Client

An Ethereum Client Wrapper With HD-Wallet, Web3 Provider, Web3 Services and Encryption


npm install @abdelrahman-abdelhamed/chain-client



const ChainClient = require('@abdelrahman-abdelhamed/chain-client');

ES6 Module

import ChainClient from "@abdelrahman-abdelhamed/chain-client";
var client = new ChainClient({
  rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:7545', // Ganache
  mnemonic: 'candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat', // Dev mnemonic
  nodeDrivePath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" // Default node path for key generation from seed (first node/account)
console.log(client.getAccount()); // 0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57