
socket-io module for Angular

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import addapptablesNgSocketIo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@addapptables/ng-socket-io';


ADDAPPTABLES ng-socket-io

ADDAPPTABLES ng-socket-io is a library for angular, this library is an adapter for @addapptables/ng-web-socket

Getting Started

To get started, let's install the package through npm:

Choose the version corresponding to your Angular version:

Angular @addapptables/ng-socket-io
8 2.x
7 1.x
npm i @addapptables/ng-socket-io  @addapptables/ng-web-socket socket.io-client --S

How to use

Create a websocket service

// gateway with params
  url: 'http://localhost:8081',
  autoConnect: true
export class WebSocketService {

  // web socket connection
  server: SocketIOClient.Socket;

  // subscribe event
  connectedUsers(data: any) {
    this.server.emit('my other event', { my: 'data' });

  // emit events
  sendMessage() {
    this.server.emit('my other event', { my: 'data' });

import adapter and WebSocketService into the module

import { NgWebSocketModule } from '@addapptables/ng-web-socket';
import { SocketIoAdapter } from '@addapptables/ng-socket-io';
  imports: [
    NgWebSocketModule.forRoot(SocketIoAdapter, [WebSocketService, /* other services socket here*/])
    NgWebSocketModule.forRoot(SocketIoAdapter, [])
    Adapter is required
export class AppModule { }

for child modules

import { NgWebSocketModule } from '@addapptables/ng-web-socket';
  imports: [
    NgWebSocketModule.forFeature([WebSocketService, /* other services socket here*/])
export class AppModule { }

If you require a service to obtain the url, you can do the following

// gateway with params
  autoConnect: false
export class WebSocketService implements ISocketWithOptions<SocketIOClient.ConnectOpts> {

  // web socket connection
  server: SocketIOClient.Socket;

    @Inject(API_BASE_URL) private _baseUrl: string,
    private _managerSocketAdapter: ManagerSocketAdapter
  ) { }

  //build options for websocket
  withOptions(): WebSocketOptions<SocketIOClient.ConnectOpts> {
    const token = '123';
    const url = this._baseUrl + '?token=' + token;
    return {

  connect() {

  // subscribe event
  connectedUsers(data: any) {
    this.server.emit('my other event', { my: 'data' });

  // emit events
  sendMessage() {
    this.server.emit('my other event', { my: 'data' });

Inject websocket into the component

export class YourComponent implements OnInit {

    public _webSocketService: WebSocketService
  ) {

  ngOnInit() {