datto - JavaScript client for @addosolutions/datto-api Autotask Advanced Endpoint Management REST API This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0.0 (Build 23)
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install @addosolutions/datto-api --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your @addosolutions/datto-api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var datto = require('@addosolutions/datto-api');
var api = new datto.AccountControllerApi()
var opts = {
'page': 56, // {Number} page
'max': 56 // {Number} max
api.getComponentsUsingGET(opts).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getComponentsUsingGET | GET /v2/account/components | Fetches the components records of the authenticated user's account. |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getSitesUsingGET | GET /v2/account/sites | Fetches the site records of the authenticated user's account. |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getUserAccountClosedAlertsUsingGET | GET /v2/account/alerts/resolved | Fetches resolved alerts of the authenticated user's account. |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getUserAccountDevicesUsingGET | GET /v2/account/devices | Fetches the devices of the authenticated user's account. |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getUserAccountOpenAlertsUsingGET | GET /v2/account/alerts/open | Fetches open alerts of the authenticated user's account. |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getUserAccountUsingGET | GET /v2/account | Fetches the authenticated user's account data. |
datto.AccountControllerApi | getUsersUsingGET | GET /v2/account/users | Fetches the authentication users records of the authenticated user's account. |
datto.AlertsControllerApi | getAlertUsingGET | GET /v2/alert/{alertUid} | Fetches data of the alert identified by the given alert Uid. |
datto.AlertsControllerApi | muteAlertUsingPOST | POST /v2/alert/{alertUid}/mute | Mutes the alert identified by the given alert Uid. |
datto.AlertsControllerApi | resolveAlertUsingPOST | POST /v2/alert/{alertUid}/resolve | Resolves the alert identified by the given alert Uid. |
datto.AlertsControllerApi | unmuteAlertUsingPOST | POST /v2/alert/{alertUid}/unmute | Unmutes the alert identified by the given alert Uid. |
datto.AuditControllerApi | getDeviceAuditSoftwareUsingGET | GET /v2/audit/device/{deviceUid}/software | Fetches audited software of the generic device identified the given device Uid. |
datto.AuditControllerApi | getDeviceAuditUsingGET | GET /v2/audit/device/{deviceUid} | Fetches audit data of the generic device identified the given device Uid. |
datto.AuditControllerApi | getEsxiHostAuditUsingGET | GET /v2/audit/esxihost/{deviceUid} | Fetches audit data of the ESXi host identified the given device Uid. |
datto.AuditControllerApi | getPrinterAuditUsingGET | GET /v2/audit/printer/{deviceUid} | Fetches audit data of the printer identified the given device Uid. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | createQuickJobUsingPUT | PUT /v2/device/{deviceUid}/quickjob | Creates a quick job on the device identified by the given device Uid. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | getByIdUsingGET | GET /v2/device/id/{deviceId} | Fetches data of the device identified by the given device Id. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | getByUidUsingGET | GET /v2/device/{deviceUid} | Fetches data of the device identified by the given device Uid. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | getDeviceOpenAlertsUsingGET | GET /v2/device/{deviceUid}/alerts/open | Fetches the open alerts of the device identified by the given device Uid. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | getDeviceResolvedAlertsUsingGET | GET /v2/device/{deviceUid}/alerts/resolved | Fetches the resolved alerts of the device identified by the given device Uid. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | moveDeviceUsingPUT | PUT /v2/device/{deviceUid}/site/{siteUid} | Moves a device from one site to another site. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | setUdfFieldsUsingPOST | POST /v2/device/{deviceUid}/udf | Sets the user defined fields of a device identified by the given device Uid. |
datto.DeviceControllerApi | setWarrantyDataUsingPOST | POST /v2/device/{deviceUid}/warranty | Sets the warranty of a device identified by the given device Uid. |
datto.JobControllerApi | getJobComponentsUsingGET | GET /v2/job/{jobUid}/components | Fetches components of the job identified by the given job Uid. |
datto.JobControllerApi | getUsingGET | GET /v2/job/{jobUid} | Fetches data of the job identified by the given job Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | createUsingPUT | PUT /v2/site | Creates a new site in the authenticated user's account. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | deleteProxyUsingDELETE | DELETE /v2/site/{siteUid}/settings/proxy | Deletes site proxy settings for the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | getSiteDevicesUsingGET | GET /v2/site/{siteUid}/devices | Fetches the devices records of the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | getSiteOpenAlertsUsingGET | GET /v2/site/{siteUid}/alerts/open | Fetches the open alerts of the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | getSiteResolvedAlertsUsingGET | GET /v2/site/{siteUid}/alerts/resolved | Fetches the resolved alerts of the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | getSiteSettingsUsingGET | GET /v2/site/{siteUid}/settings | Fetches settings of the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | getSiteUsingGET | GET /v2/site/{siteUid} | Fetches data of the site (including total number of devices) identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | updateProxyUsingPOST | POST /v2/site/{siteUid}/settings/proxy | Creates/updates the proxy settings for the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SitesControllerApi | updateUsingPOST | POST /v2/site/{siteUid} | Updates the site identified by the given site Uid. |
datto.SystemControllerApi | getPaginationConfigurationsUsingGET | GET /v2/system/pagination | Fetches the pagination configurations. |
datto.SystemControllerApi | getStatusUsingGET | GET /v2/system/status | Fetches the system status (start date, status and version). |
datto.SystemControllerApi | getUsingGET1 | GET /v2/system/request_rate | Fetches the request rate status for the authenticated user's account. |
datto.UserControllerApi | resetApiKeysUsingPOST | POST /v2/user/resetApiKeys | Resets the authenticated user's API access and secret keys. |
Documentation for Models
- datto.Account
- datto.AccountDescriptor
- datto.AccountDevicesStatus
- datto.Alert
- datto.AlertMonitorInfo
- datto.AlertSourceInfo
- datto.AlertsPage
- datto.Antivirus
- datto.AttachedDevice
- datto.AuthUser
- datto.AuthUserKey
- datto.BaseBoard
- datto.Bios
- datto.Component
- datto.ComponentVariable
- datto.ComponentsPage
- datto.CreateQuickJobRequest
- datto.CreateQuickJobResponse
- datto.CreateSiteRequest
- datto.Device
- datto.DeviceAudit
- datto.DevicesPage
- datto.DevicesStatus
- datto.DevicesType
- datto.Display
- datto.ESXiDataExtent
- datto.ESXiDatastore
- datto.ESXiHostAudit
- datto.ESXiNic
- datto.ESXiProcessor
- datto.ESXiSystemInfo
- datto.GeneralSettings
- datto.Guest
- datto.Job
- datto.JobComponent
- datto.JobComponentRequest
- datto.JobComponentVariable
- datto.JobComponentsPage
- datto.LogicalDisk
- datto.MailRecipient
- datto.MobileInfo
- datto.NetworkInterface
- datto.PaginationConfiguration
- datto.PaginationData
- datto.PatchManagement
- datto.PhysicalMemory
- datto.Printer
- datto.PrinterAudit
- datto.PrinterMarkerSupply
- datto.PrinterSystemInfo
- datto.Processor
- datto.ProxySettings
- datto.RateStatusResponse
- datto.ResponseAction
- datto.Site
- datto.SiteRequest
- datto.SiteSettings
- datto.SitesPage
- datto.SnmpInfo
- datto.Software
- datto.SoftwarePage
- datto.StatusResponse
- datto.SystemInfo
- datto.Udf
- datto.UsersPage
- datto.VideoBoard
- datto.Warranty
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.