
Milanuncios theme styles

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import advUiMaTheme from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@adv-ui/ma-theme';


Milanuncios theme

This package contains a set of customized variables to initialize values and component styles for Milanuncios

Variables naming convention

sui-theme and all sui styles in general run over some class naming and variable naming conventions:

SCSS Variables naming convention

$property-category-component: value !default;

Classes naming convention¶

Classname naming runs over SUIT convention for classes → github.com/suitcss/suit/blob/master/doc/naming-conventions.md

The syntax is as follows: [<namespace>-]<ComponentName>[-descendentName][--modifierName]


<div className="sui-DummyComponent">
  // ROOT ELEMENT -> sui-<ComponentName>
    in pascal case notation `` *For first childs*` ```html
    <div className="sui-DummyComponent">
      // ROOT ELEMENT -> sui-<ComponentName>
        in pascal case notation
        <div className="sui-DummyComponent-firstChild">
          // FIRST CHILD -> sui-<ComponentName>-<childName>
              child name in camel case notation</childName


Import ma-theme into your sui-component including the path in index.scss:

@import '~@adv-ui/ma-theme/src/index';


If you need to update any of these variables please do it under pull request system.