
Tranforms fetch to async generators of blocks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import agenFetch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@agen/fetch';



This package contains methods transforming standard fetch method to an async generator for data blocks. In browsers it uses the standard fetch method and AbortController class. In NodeJS environment the node-fetch and the node-abort-controller polyfills should be used (see example below).

This package contains the following methods:

  • fetchData - returns an async iterator over binary blocks fetched from the specified URL
  • fetchWithAbort - launches a globally available fetch method and returns the result with added abort method; it is implemented using globally available AbortController class (see below)
  • handleFetchResults - handles results returned by the fetchWithAbort method and transforms them to an async iterator


This method retrieves binary data from the specified HTTP resource and yields them as an async generator over binary chunks. This method accepts the same parameters as the standard fetch method.

Example: get binary data from the specified URL:

import { fetchData } from '@agen/fetch';

(async () => {
  const url = 'http://localhost:8080/my/images/img.jpg';
  const gen = fetchData(url);
  for await (let chunk of gen) {
    console.log('*', chunk);

Basically this method calls the fetchWithAbort and the handleFetchResults methods:

async function* fetchData(url, params = {}) {
  const res = await fetchWithAbort(url, params);
  yield* handleFetchResults(res);

See below how to use this method in the NodeJS environment.


This method launches the standard fetch method and adds a abort method on the resulting object. To do so it uses the AbortController class.


import { fetchWithAbort } from '@agen/fetch';

(async () => {
  const url = 'http://localhost:8080/my/images/img.jpg';
  const res = await fetchWithAbort(url);
  await res.abort(); // Stop data loading


See below how to use this method in the NodeJS environment.


This method transforms the response returned by the fetchWithAbort method to an AnyncGenerator. The example below shows the implementation of the fetchData method:

import { fetchWithAbort, handleFetchResults } from '@agen/fetch';

(async () => {

  const url = 'http://localhost:8080/README.txt';
  const res = await fetchWithAbort(url);
  const it = handleFetchResults(res);
  let text = '';
  for await (let block of it) {
    text += block.toString('UTF-8');


Overloading fetch and AbortController

In NodeJS environment the packages node-fetch and node-abort-controller should be used in the following way:

const { getGlobal } = require('@agen/ns');

setGlobal('fetch', require('node-fetch'));
setGlobal('AbortController', require('node-abort-controller'));

(async () => {
  const url = 'http://localhost:8080/my/images/img.jpg';
  const gen = fetchData(url);
  for await (let chunk of gen) {
    console.log('*', chunk);