
The prop types of Agillic

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import agillicPropTypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@agillic/prop-types';


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Agillic Prop Types

Enhance your React PropTypes validators using these custom ones! Made with :heart: by Agillic


npm install --save-dev @agillic/prop-types

Or if you're using yarn

yarn add --dev @agillic/prop-types


Agillic PropTypes are compatible with the standard React ones, so you can just import them and carry on with business as usual.

In order to import all the validators, use:

import agillicPropTypes from '@agillic/prop-types'

or to import validators separately:

import {nameOfValidator} from '@agillic/prop-types'

Or for some good old nostalgia:

const agillicPropTypes = require('@agillic/prop-types')

Currently supported validators:

  • differentFrom
  • requiredBy
  • forbiddenBy
  • greaterThan
  • minimumLength
  • notOnlyWhiteSpace
  • componentWithProps

NPM Scrips description

  • build - transpiles and builds project files and outputs them to the top-level build directory,
  • build:watch - as above but additionally also watches for changes in the files and rebuilds as needed,
  • lint - runs ESlint on all the files and outputs any warnings and errors to the console,
  • test - runs all the tests in watch mode,
  • help - shows description of the project's NPM scripts.


differentFrom validator checks that the validated prop is different from the one given as argument.

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  firstName: PropTypes.string,
  lastName: differentFrom('firstName')

This will return a lastName should hold different value from firstName in MyComponent TypeError if the firstName and lastName are equal (using Strict Equality Comparison)


requiredBy validator checks that if the prop given as an argument is defined the validated prop also needs to be defined.

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  firstName: PropTypes.string,
  lastName: requiredBy('firstName')

This will return a If lastName is defined in MyComponent, firstName must also be defined


forbiddenBy validator checks that if the prop given as argument is defined the validated prop must not be defined.

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  photoUrl: PropTypes.string,
  backgroundColor: forbiddenBy('photoUrl')

This will return an If photoUrl is pressent in MyComponent, backgroundColor must be undefined TypeError in case when photoUrl and backgroundColor are both defined (not undefined).


greaterThan validator checks that the value of the validated prop is greater than the value of the given prop.

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  childAge: PropTypes.number,
  parentAge: greaterThan('childAge')

This will return a parentAge has to be greater than childAge in MyComponent TypeError in case when the value of parentAge is not greater than the value of childAge.


minimumLength validator checks that the validated prop has a minimal length.

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  username: minimumLength(5)

This will return a username\'s length has to be at least 5 in MyComponent TypeError in case when the length of username is less than 5.


notOnlyWhiteSpace validator checks that the validated prop is not composed of only white space.

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  username: notOnlyWhiteSpace

This will return a username should not contain only whitespace in MyComponent in case username is only white space.


componentWithProps is typically used on the children prop as a means of performing an ordinary prop types check on nested components

An example use-case would be a child component which is being stripped of its props in the parent component. Will run validation for all child components.

NB: Utilizing the RORO pattern, componentWithProps only takes one parameter with two properties:

  • propTypes: the prop types
  • checkPropTypes: the original checkPropTypes fn from facebook's prop-types project
MyComponent.propTypes = {
  children: componentWithProps({
    propTypes: {
      firstName: PropTypes.string,
      isAdmin: PropTypes.bool


  • npm run build:watch will transpile all the sources on file save,
  • npm test will run tests in watch mode,
  • npm run test:coverage will run tests and report coverage statistics,
  • npm run lint will lint the source files.

See also

Agillic PropTypes work great in combination with the original React PropTypes, as well as the amazing extension created by AirBnB

Check out the following example:

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  firstName: PropTypes.string,
  lastName: and([

Here we use a combination of PropTypes.string from React, and from AirBnB and requiredBy from Agillic.

Chaining isRequired

Chaining isRequired in Agillic PropTypes validators is not supported. If you want to rely on isRequired rules, we recommend that you use basic React PropTypes validators that do support the chaining of isRequired in combination with and from AirBnB PropTypes:

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  secretCode: and([