
A react library which adds drag to select to your app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import airReactDragToSelect from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@air/react-drag-to-select';



A react library which adds drag to select to your app

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save @air/react-drag-to-select



const App = () => {

  const handleSelectionChange = useCallback((box: Box) => {

  const { DragSelection } = useSelectionContainer({

  return (
    <div id='root'>
      <div>Selectable element</div>

  1. Add useSelectionContainer hook to your component and pass onSelectionChange handler
  2. Render <DragSelection/> somewhere in code
  3. That's it! Mouse selection will appear, when you click and drag within window or element passed in eventsElement.

This library will not select your items. You have to handle selection yourself in onSelectionChange method (see example). You can use boxesIntersects(boxA, boxB) method to check if element intersetcs with selection.

useSelectionContainer arguments

Name Required Type Default Description
onSelectionStart No () => void Method called when selection starts (mouse is down and moved)
onSelectionEnd No () => void Method called when selection ends (mouse is up)
onSelectionChange Yes (box: Box) => void Method called when selection moves
isEnabled No boolean true If false, selection does not fire
eventsElement No Window, HTMLElement or null window Element to listen mouse events
selectionProps No React.HTMLAttributes Props of selection - you can pass style here as shown below

Selection styling

To style your selection, pass selectionProps: { style } prop:

  const { DragSelection } = useSelectionContainer({
    selectionProps: {
      style: {
        border: '2px dashed purple',
        borderRadius: 4,
        backgroundColor: 'brown',
        opacity: 0.5,

The default style is

  border: '1px solid #4C85D8',
  background: 'rgba(155, 193, 239, 0.4)',
  position: `absolute`,
  zIndex: 99,

Disabling selection on elements

To prevent starting selection, add data-disableSelect to element:

<div data-disableSelect=true>

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MIT © Air