
This is the backend REST API for NLP powered by NodeJS and MongoDB

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aivecNlpApiServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@aivec/nlp-api-server';


NLP API Server

This is the backend REST API for NLP powered by NodeJS and MongoDB


  • node >= 16
  • docker

Getting Started

First, install packages and start the MongoDB Docker container:

$ npm install
$ npm run start:mongo


Environment variables (DB connection strings, etc.) are set using a .env file. For development, copy the contents of .env.local into a .env file before starting the server.

Curious about why .env isn't version controlled? Refer here.

Next, start the hot reload dev server with the following:

$ npm run dev


To make debugging automatic for vscode users, a .vscode/launch.json file is tracked in source control. Ctrl+Shift+D should show Launch via NPM (nlp-api-server) as a selection in the debug environments dropdown.


Run tests with the npm script:

$ npm test

Debugging Tests

For vscode users, Ctrl+Shift+D should show Mocha Tests (nlp-api-server) as a selection in the debug environments dropdown.


To transpile TypeScript source into JavaScript, run the following:

$ npm run build

Node can than be used directly to start the server (without hot reloading):

$ npm run start:node

The Package (@aivec/nlp-api-server)

This repo exposes certain TypeScript types/interfaces as an npm package. All files in the ./types folder are included in the tarball when running npm publish. Note that the contents of this package are subject to change at any time..