
RSI SDK interpretation player package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import akkaduRsiInterpretationPlayer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@akkadu/rsi-interpretation-player';


RSI API Interpretation Player

How to start the project

yarn start

it will fire tsc --watch, which will build the javascript files from the lib folder when making changes in src. See yarn start:css to watch css files.

For some reason running both scrips to build the .js and .css files takes so long for other modules to apply the changes, so we need to run yarn start:css in a separate terminal to watch for css changes.

yarn start:css

When you run the above command, every time you change the .scss file in src diretory it will regenrate new .css file in the dist directory.


For production you can use yarn build which will use rollup to create the bundles, the generated code can be found in dist directory. Remember yarn build will generate both the .js and .css files so no need to run other commands beside it.