
Client side React components for Yellow applications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import akudYellowClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@akud/yellow-client';



Welcome to Yellow! Yellow is a library of React components for rendering simulated graphs. Yellow has components for rendering basic graphs,


import React from 'react';
import { Graphs } from '@akud/yellow-client';

export default () => {
  return (
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="red-node" color="#fc2f38" />
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="blue-node" color="#5b41fc" />
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="yellow-node" color="#fcf95d" />
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="green-node" color="#3ba226" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="yellow-node" toNodeId="red-node" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="yellow-node" toNodeId="blue-node" directed={true} />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="yellow-node" toNodeId="green-node" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="blue-node" toNodeId="green-node" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="blue-node" toNodeId="red-node" directed={true} />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="green-node" toNodeId="red-node" />

for controlling their layouts with simulated forces,


import React from 'react';

import { Elements, Simulations, Graphs } from '@akud/yellow-client';

export default ({ width=1000, height=1000 }) => (
  <Graphs.Graph width={width} height={height} border={true}>
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="event-queue">
      <Elements.Label text='Event Queue' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#fcf95d" />
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="service-a">
      <Elements.Label text='Web Service' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#2980B9" />
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="service-b">
      <Elements.Label text='Web Service' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#2980B9" />
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="service-c">
      <Elements.Label text='Web Service' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#2980B9" />
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="client-a">
      <Elements.Label text='Client' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#8c28b7" />
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="client-c">
      <Elements.Label text='Client' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#8c28b7" />
    <Graphs.Node nodeId="data-lake">
      <Elements.Label text='Data Lake' orientation={Simulations.Orientation.TOP_LEFT} />
      <Elements.Circle color="#28b92b" />

    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="event-queue" toNodeId="service-a" bidirectional={true} />
    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="event-queue" toNodeId="service-c" bidirectional={true} />
    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="event-queue" toNodeId="data-lake" directed={true} />
    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="service-b" toNodeId="service-a" bidirectional={true} />
    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="service-b" toNodeId="service-c" bidirectional={true} />
    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="service-a" toNodeId="client-a" bidirectional={true} />
    <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="service-c" toNodeId="client-c" bidirectional={true} />

    <Simulations.CenteringRule elements={{ groupId: 'event-queue' }} />
      elements={{ groupIds: ['service-a'] }}
      elements={{ groupIds: ['client-a'] }}
      elements={{ groupIds: ['service-c'] }}
      elements={{ groupIds: ['client-c'] }}
      elements={{ groupIds: ['data-lake'] }}

and more. The great thing about yellow is that any React component can be embedded inside an HtmlNode, so you can create graphical organization of any type of content.

API Reference

There are three top-level concepts in Yellow's architecture that form the ability to render graphs - Elements, Simulations, and Graphs. Each of these is an importable name from @akud/yellow-client, and all components can be imported directly.



import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@akud/yellow-client';

<Elements.DisplayWindow border={true}>
  <Elements.Circle radius={2} color='red' position={{ x: 100, y: 250 }} />
  <Elements.Circle radius={2} color='red' position={{ x: 400, y: 200 }} />
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}
    from={{ x: 100, y: 250 }}
    to={{ x: 400, y: 200 }}

The Elements namespace contains basic components for rendering a static svg. When used directly, these components need to be passed a position inside the svg. They will normally be used inside of components from the Simulations and Graphs namespaces to be positioned automatically.

  • Arrow - renders an arrow pointing at the desired position


    • to: #element-prop-types-position. Position the arrow points to. Required

    • color: PropTypes.string. Color string like '#4286f4' or green. Optional.

    • thickness: PropTypes.number. Thickness of the arrow. Optional.

    • angle: PropTypes.number. Angle at which the arrow should be rendered. Optional.

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the object to link to

  • Circle - renders a circle centered at the given position


    • id: PropTypes.string - optional id for the element. Will be set as data-element-id on the rendered circle. This is used by the simulation to track elements.

    • position: ElementPropTypes.position - circle center

    • color: PropTypes.string - circle color. Defaults to #4286f4

    • radius: PropTypes.number - circle radius. Defaults to 10

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the object to link to

  • Curve - renders a curve between the given points


    • id: PropTypes.string - optional id for the element. Will be set as data-element-id on the rendered circle. This is used by the simulation to track elements.

    • color: PropTypes.string - curve color. Defaults to #c7c7c7

    • from: ElementPropTypes.position - curve starting point

    • to: ElementPropTypes.position - curve ending point

    • thickness: PropTypes.number - thickness of the curve

    • curvature: #element-prop-types-curvature - one of -4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4 denoting the curvature. Negative numbers denote convex curves, positive number concave curves.

  • DisplayWindow - top-level wrapper component for holding elements. Renders children inside an svg with the provided size.


    • width: PropTypes.number - width of the svg. Defaults to 500

    • height: PropTypes.number - height of the svg. Defaults to 500

    • border: PropTypes.bool - boolean indicating if a border should be drawn around the svg. Defaults to false.

    • zoom: PropTypes.number - multiplier determining the zoom level inside the window

  • ElementGroup - renders children inside a <g> tag. Forwards all props to the <g> tag.

  • ElementPropTypes.link - Defines a link prop type for linking to a web page

    export const link = PropTypes.oneOfType([
        href: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        inline: PropTypes.bool,
        className: PropTypes.string,

    If a string is provided, the element will link to that url. the inline prop determines whether the link will open in a new window (inline={false}) or in the same browser window (inline={true}). className is set on the wrapping a tag.

  • ElementPropTypes.position

  • Determines an element's position in svg space. For the most part this prop should be passed in automatically by Simulations or Graphs.

    export const position = PropTypes.exact({
      x: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
      y: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  • ElementPropTypes.curvature - Determines the curvature of a line or edge, from a max concavity (curvature=4) to a max convexity (curvature=-4)

    export const curvature = PropTypes.oneOf([
      4, 3, 2, 1, -1, -2, -3, -4,
      '4', '3', '2', '1', '-1', '-2', '-3', '-4',
  • Grid - Renders a grid cooridnate system on the current display window


    • color: PropTypes.string - color to use to render the grid points

    • stepsPerSide: PropTypes.number - number of steps to take per side when laying out the grid

  • HtmlFragment - renders children inside an html fragment centered at the given position


    • id: PropTypes.string - optional id for the element. Will be set as data-element-id on the rendered element. This is used by the simulation to track elements.

    • position: ElementPropTypes.position - fragment center

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the object to link to

  • Image - renders an image


    • id: PropTypes.string - optional id for the element. Will be set as data-element-id on the rendered image. This is used by the simulation to track elements.

    • position: ElementPropTypes.position - image center

    • src: PropTypes.string.isRequired - image source

    • width: PropTypes.number.isRequired - width to render the image as

    • height: PropTypes.number.isRequired - height to render the image as

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the object to link to

  • Label - renders svg text centered at the given position


    • id: PropTypes.string - optional id for the element. Will be set as data-element-id on the rendered text element. This is used by the simulation to track elements.

    • text: PropTypes.string.isRequired - the text to render

    • position: ElementPropTypes.position - label center

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the object to link to

  • Line - renders a line between the given points


    • from: ElementPropTypes.position.isRequired - line starting point

    • to: ElementPropTypes.position.isRequired - line ending point

    • color: PropTypes.string - line color. Defaults to #c7c7c7

    • thickness: PropTypes.number - line thickness

  • Link - renders children in an <a> tag to link to a web page.


    • href: PropTypes.string.isRequired - location to link to

    • inline: PropTypes.bool - whether to open the link inline (in the same browser tab) or not. Defaults to false, opening links in a new window

    • className: PropTypes.string - optional class name to set on the wrapping a tag

  • Rectangle - renders a rectangle centered at the given position


    • id: PropTypes.string - optional id for the element. Will be set as data-element-id on the rendered rectangle. This is used by the simulation to track elements.

    • position: ElementPropTypes.position - rectangle center

    • color: PropTypes.string - rectangle color. Defaults to #4286f4

    • width: PropTypes.number - rectangle width. Defaults to 10

    • height: PropTypes.number - rectangle height. Defaults to 10

  • WindowContext - Context that provides basic information about the window. Will be provided by DisplayWindow

    const WindowContext = React.createContext({
      width: 500,
      height: 500,
      center: { x: 250, y: 250 },



import React from 'react';
import {
  Elements, Simulations
} from '@akud/yellow-client';

export default () => (

    <Simulations.SimulatedElement id='centered'>
      <Elements.Label text='Center' />

    <Simulations.SimulatedElement id='rectangle-1'>
      <Elements.Rectangle color='red' />

    <Simulations.SimulatedElement id='rectangle-2'>
      <Elements.Rectangle color='red' />

    <Simulations.SimulatedElementGroup id='circle1'>
      <Elements.Circle />
      <Elements.Label text='circle1' />

    <Simulations.SimulatedElementGroup id='circle2'>
      <Elements.Circle />
      <Elements.Label text='circle2' />

    <Simulations.SimulatedElementGroup id='circle3'>
      <Elements.Circle />
      <Elements.Label text='circle3' orientation={Simulations.TOP_RIGHT} />

    <Simulations.CenteringRule elements={{ id: 'centered' }} />

      elements={{ ids: [ 'rectangle-1', 'rectangle-2' ] }}

      elements={{ groupIds: [ 'circle1', 'circle2' ] }}

      targetElements={{ groupIds: [ 'circle-2', 'circle-3' ] }}

The Simulations namespace provides the backbone of yellow's layout engine. Under the hood, Yellow runs a d3 force simulation to guide elements to their desired position determined by a set of basic forces and user-defined Rules. The main components are SimulationWindow), SimulatedElement, and SimulatedElementGroup. Elements and Groups inside a Window will render with positions determined by a force-particle simulation. Each element is simulated as a circle with a certain radius whose motion is affected by the ForceApplications returned by rules in the simulation. All simulations have a basic repelling force where elements exert a repelling force on each other, though that can be changed with SimulationContext#setRepellingForceStrength.

  • Orientation - enumeration of orientations available in a simulation.


    These can be used in SimulatedElementGroups, DirectionalRules and OrientingRules.

  • Rules - module containing embeddable Rule components to interact with the SimulationContext). Each Rule component is also accessible as a top level property of Simulations.

    • DirectionalRule - Rule that pushes elements in a direction


      • elements: SimulationPropTypes.elementSelector.isRequired - ElementSelector determing the elements this rule should apply to

      • orientation: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(Orientation)).isRequired - direction the elements should be pushed in

      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the rule

    • PositioningRule - Rule that pushes elements towards a position


      • elements: SimulationPropTypes.elementSelector.isRequired - ElementSelector determing the elements this rule should apply to

      • position: ElementPropTypes.position.isRequired - x, y coordinates of the position that elements should be pushed towards

      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the rule

    • CenteringRule - Rule that pushes elements towards the window center


      • elements: SimulationPropTypes.elementSelector.isRequired - ElementSelector determing the elements this rule should apply to

      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the rule

    • OrientingRule - Rule that orients a group of elements relative to a base element


      • baseElementId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - element id of the element to use as the base. Other elements will be pushed to be oriented relative to this one.

      • targetElements: SimulationPropTypes.elementSelector.isRequired - ElementSelector determing the elements this rule should apply to

      • orientation: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(Orientation)).isRequired - orientation determining the desired positioning of the target elements relative to the base element.

      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the rule

      • style: PropTypes.oneOf([ 'exact', 'narrow', 'medium', 'wide', ]) - enum determining the rule's tolerance

    • LinkingRule - Rule that links two elements together, acting on them both to keep them a desired distance apart.


      • between: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired - two-element array of element ids to apply the rule to

      • distance: PropTypes.number.isRequired - desired distance to keep the two elements apart

      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the rule

    • BindingRule - Rule that binds a set of target elements to a base element, acting only on the target elements to keep them a desired distance away from the base element.


      • baseElementId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - element id of the element to use as the base. Other elements will be pushed to be kept a desired distance away from this one.

      • targetElements: SimulationPropTypes.elementSelector.isRequired - ElementSelector determing the elements this rule should apply to

      • distance: PropTypes.number.isRequired - desired distance to keep the target elements from the base elements

      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the rule

    • FunctionRule - Rule that runs a function to determine forces to apply at each simulation iteration


    • RepellingRule - Sets the simulation-wide repelling force strength


      • strength: PropTypes.number - strength multiplier for the simulation-wide repelling force
  • SimulatedElement Wraps a single Element and positions it based on the current SimulationContext


    • id: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the element in the simulation
  • SimulatedElementGroup - Wraps a group of Elements and binds them around a primary element. This component will read an orientation prop off of all children to determine the primary element and how to orient the others around the primary element. The primary element is the first element with no orientation or orientation={Orientation.PRIMARY}


    • id: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the element group. The primary element will have an element id of id + "_primary".

    • className: PropTypes.string - optional class name to set on the g tag

    • bindingStrength: PropTypes.number - optional strength to set on the rules that bind elements together

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page to wrap the group in a link.

  • SimulatedLink - links two elements in the simulation together and passes their positions to a render prop. This is used to render edges between nodes in a graph


    • render: PropTypes.func.isRequired - function with signature (sourcePosition, targetPosition) => </> that will be passed the positions of the two elements and can return children to be rendered

    • fromElementId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - the "source" of the link, whose position will be passed as sourcePosition

    • toElementId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - the "target" of the link, whose position will be passed as targetPosition

    • distance: PropTypes.number - distance to keep the elements apart. Defaults to 100.

    • bindingStrength: PropTypes.number - strength to use in the rule that links the two elements

  • SimulationContext - Context that delivers the core functionality of Yellow simulations. This will be provided by a SimulationWindow.

    export default React.createContext({
       * String identifying the current simulation context
      contextId: 'default-simulation-context',
       * Add an element to the underlying simulation, specifying it's id and shape
      registerElement: (elementId, shape) => {},
       * Get a list of ids of all the elements in the simulation
      getElementIds: () => simulation.getElementIds(),
       * Retrieve a blob of data about an element in the underlying simulation:
       * {
       *   position: {
       *     x: <current x position>,
       *     y: < current y position>,
       *   },
       *   shape: elementShape
       *   }
      getElementData: elementId => ({
        position: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
        velocity: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
        shape: PointDefinition.INSTANCE,
       * Register a new rule in the simulation. A rule is a function
       * `f: f(currentSimulation) => [ForceApplication, ForceApplication...]
       * thata optionally determines a set of forces to apply to the next state
       * in the simulation
      registerRule: (ruleId, rule) => {},
       * Register a group of elements with the simulation, which can be retrieved with
       * getGroupElementIds
      registerGroup: (groupId, elementIds) => simulation.registerGroup(groupId, elementIds),
       * Retrieve a list of a previously defined element group
      getGroupElementIds: (groupId) => simulation.getGroupElementIds(groupId),
       * Set the strength of the simulation-wide force that causes elements to repel
       * or attract each other. 1.0 is the base repelling force strength, -1.0 would
       * be an equivalent attractive force.
      setRepellingForceStrength: (strength) => simulation.setRepellingForceStrength(strength),
  • SimulationPropTypes.elementSelector - determines a set of elements for rules to apply to.

     * Defines a prop that identifies a group of elements in a simulation.
     * There are several options:
     * id: select a single element by id
     * ids: select a set of elements by their ids
     * groupId: select all elements in a group
     * groupIds: select all elements in set of groups
     * all: select all elements
    export const elementSelector = PropTypes.oneOfType([
      PropTypes.exact({ id: PropTypes.string.isRequired }),
      PropTypes.exact({ ids: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired }),
      PropTypes.exact({ groupId: PropTypes.string.isRequired }),
      PropTypes.exact({ groupIds: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired }),
  • SimulationWindow - Wrapper class to render a simulation inside a DisplayWindow. This will provide a SimulationContext to children, render all SimulatedElements and SimulatedElementGroups with their positions from the simulation, and register all Rule components.


    • width: PropTypes.number - width for the window. Defaults to 500.

    • height: PropTypes.number - height for the window. Defaults to 500.

    • border: PropTypes.bool - whether to render a border around the window or not

    • zoom: PropTypes.number - Optional multiplier that determines the zoom level of the window



import React from 'react';
import { Graphs } from '@akud/yellow-client';

export default () => {
  return (
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="red-node" color="#fc2f38" />
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="blue-node" color="#5b41fc" />
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="yellow-node" color="#fcf95d" />
      <Graphs.CircleNode nodeId="green-node" color="#3ba226" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="yellow-node" toNodeId="red-node" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="yellow-node" toNodeId="blue-node" directed={true} />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="yellow-node" toNodeId="green-node" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="blue-node" toNodeId="green-node" />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="blue-node" toNodeId="red-node" directed={true} />
      <Graphs.Edge fromNodeId="green-node" toNodeId="red-node" />

The Graphs namespace contains high level components for rendering graphs driven by a physical simulation. The main component is Graph, which will render a window with all Nodes and Edges from its children.

  • CircleNode - Convenience component to render a Circle inside a Node.


    • nodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the node

    • color: PropTypes.string - circle color. Defaults to '#4286f4'

    • radius: PropTypes.number - circle radius. Defaults to 10

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the circle to link to

  • Edge - Renders an edge in the graph


    • fromNodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - source node id

    • toNodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - target node id

    • color: PropTypes.string - Optional color to render the edge. Defaults to '#c7c7c7'

    • thickness: PropTypes.number - Edge thickness. Defaults to 1.

    • distance: PropTypes.number - Edge distance. defaults to 100.

    • directed: PropTypes.bool - whether to make the edge directed (render an arrow at the target element) or not.

    • bidirectional: PropTypes.bool - whether to make the edge bidirectional (render an arrow at both the source and target nodes) or not

    • bindingStrength: PropTypes.number - strength with which to bind elements together

    • curvature: ElementPropTypes.curvature - Optional curvature with which to render the edge

  • Graph - Main entrypoint for rendering graphs. This renders a graph inside a SimulationWindow which is used to determine the layout


    • width: PropTypes.number - width of the window. Defaults to 500.

    • height: PropTypes.number - height of the window. Defaults to 500.

    • border: PropTypes.bool - whether to render a border around the window or not

    • zoom: PropTypes.number - zoom to be applied to the window

  • HtmlNode - renders children inside an HtmlFragment inside a (Node)[#node]


    • nodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the node

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the html fragment to link to

  • ImageNode - renders an Image inside a [Node]


    • nodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the node

    • src: PropTypes.string.isRequired - image src url

    • width: PropTypes.number.isRequired - image width

    • height: PropTypes.number.isRequired - image height

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the image to link to

  • Node - Basic wrapper component for rendering elements inside a graph. children will be rendered inside the graph positioned by the graph rules, and multiple elements will be oriented around a primary element inside a SimulatedElementGroup.


    • nodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the node

    • link: ElementPropTypes.link Optional link object describing a web page for the node to link to

  • PointNode - Renders a point-sized, invisible node


    • nodeId: PropTypes.string.isRequired - id to use for the node
