
Test npm project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import alabebopHowToNpm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@alabebop/how-to-npm';


Learn to npm!

This repository contains my learning notes of the NodeSchool workshop "How to npm"

  • If you get a .lock error trying to install a package, it may be caused by your previous installing packages in your home folder with sudo, i.e. as root. The fix is to change the owner of the .npm folder back to yourself instead of root with command chown

    $ sudo chown -R my.user ~/.npm
  • If you install packages locally without first having them declared as dependencies in the package.json file, you are able to install them but will get an extraneous error, which indicates that the package is extraneous to the project.

    • To remove an extraneous package, use the npm command prune

      $ npm prune <name>
    • To install a package as well as having it declared as a dependency in your package.json file at the same time, use the --save parameter when installing, or the --save-dev parameter to have it declared as a devDependency

      $ npm install <package> --save
      $ npm install <package> --save-dev