
Source data from a Silverback GraphQL schema.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import amazeelabsGatsbySourceSilverback from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@amazeelabs/gatsby-source-silverback';


Gatsby Source Silverback

Gatsby source plugin to connect to Drupal exposing a custom GraphQL V4 schema that employs the extension plugin provided by the Silverback Gatsby module.


  • Incremental updates
  • Automatic creation of Gatsby pages
  • Type-safe inference of Drupal's schema definition
  • Exposes a "build id" for preview and production builds

Installation & Configuration

Simply install the package and add it to your Gatsby configuration.

yarn add @amazeelabs/gatsby-source-silverback
export const plugins = {
  resolve: '@amazeelabs/gatsby-source-silverback',
  options: {
    drupal_url: 'https://my.drupal.website',
    graphql_path: '/path to my schema',
    auth_user: 'admin',
    auth_pass: 'admin',

The following configuration options are supported:

  • drupal_url (required): The base url of the Drupal installation to connect to.
  • graphql_path (required): The configured path of the configured Drupal GraphQL server instance.
  • auth_user (optional): A Drupal username to use for sending requests.
  • auth_pass (optional): A Drupal password to use for sending requests.

The optional credential parameters (auth_user and auth_pass) can be used to enable different workflows. On production, they can be omitted to make sure Drupal handles these requests anonymously and won't expose any unpublished content. Alternatively one can also configure a dedicated role and user for this task and block anonymous users entirely from accessing Drupal. In a preview environment on the other hand, the credentials should allow Gatsby to access unpublished content to be able to display previews.

Automatic creation of Gatsby pages

The silverback gatsby module provides @isPath and @isTemplate field directives which allow automatic creation of Gatsby pages. Both directives are optional.

  • If a field is marked with @isPath directive, the plugin will attempt to create a Gatsby page for a Gatsby node fetched from Drupal.
  • The @isTemplate directive can be used to define which template to use for the page creation.

Example GraphQL schema on Drupal side with some details

type SpecialPage @entity(type: "node", bundle: "special_page") {
  # There is no `@isPath` directive, so the plugin will not try to create pages
  # for this type.
  path: String!

type RegularPage @entity(type: "node", bundle: "page") {
  # Because the `path` field is optional, the page will only be created if
  # the `path` value is truthy.
  path: String @isPath
  # There is no `@isTemplate` directive, so the plugin will use the CamelCase
  # type name to build the snake-case template name. For this type it will be
  # `regular-page.tsx`.

type Post @entity(type: "node", bundle: "blog") {
  path: String! @isPath
  # If the field value is falsy, the regular template will be used: `post.tsx`
  # Otherwise the field value will be used: `${node.template}.tsx`
  template: String @isTemplate

If the template file does not exist, the stub template will be used, and a warning message will be logged.


The silverback gatsby module keeps track of content updates sent to Gatsby with incremental build ID's. The Drupal GraphQL API exposes the latest build ID through a GraphQL field.

query {

The gatsby-source-silverback plugin will also expose the ID of the latest build. In a development or preview environment it works identical to Drupal, by querying a root level drupalBuildID field. A production build will contain a build.json file at the root that contains the same information.

  "drupalBuildId": 8

This can be used to determine if a given website reflects the latest content stored in Drupal or an update is bound to happen.