
Plugin for fastify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import autotelicMercuriusPostgraphile from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@autotelic/mercurius-postgraphile';


Mercurius PostGraphile

A Fastify plugin for integrating PostGraphile schemas with Mercurius



npm i @autotelic/mercurius-postgraphile
const mercuriusPostGraphile = require('@autotelic/mercurius-postgraphile')
const { Pool } = require('pg')
const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL
const pgPool = new Pool({ connectionString })

module.exports = async function (fastify, options) {
  fastify.register(mercuriusPostGraphile, {



Name Status Type Default Description
connectionString Required String - A postgreSQL database connection string, i.e. postgres://postgres:password@
pgPool Required Object - A client or pool instance that will be passed to the pg library and used to connect to a PostgreSQL backend.
instanceName Optional String public A string which specifies the PostgreSQL schema that PostGraphile will use to create a GraphQL schema.
localStitchOpts Optional Object {} An object containing local subschema config options.
postGraphileStitchOpts Optional Object {} An object containing PostGraphile subschema config options. stitchOpts for both the local and PostGraphile schemas implement the SubschemaConfig interface. Documention can be found here
postGraphileContextOpts Optional Object/Function {} An object or callback function containing withPostGraphileContext options, outlined here
postGraphileSchemaOpts Optional Object {} An object containing createPostGraphileSchema options, outlined here


npm i
docker-compose up -d
npm run test