
Additional opensource components for react-admin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bbTechRaComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bb-tech/ra-components';



Opensource components for react-admin.

  • Validating JSON in a textinput is made easy using JsonInput.
  • JSON object now looks pretty in JsonField.
  • Data can be trimmed using TrimField while displaying in datagrid etc.
  • Validate emails, restrict for a specific set of domains using EmailInput.
  • Validate URLs, restrict for a specific set of domains using URLInput.
  • Button to update the values in a record (ex: approve/retry etc) UpdateButton.
  • Validate phone numbers, restrict for specific countries using PhoneInput

Supported react-admin versions:

React-Admin 3.x


Install using npm: npm install --save @bb-tech/ra-components

Basic Usage

To use ra-components in your react-admin application, import the necessary package(s) into your js file.

import {JsonInput,JsonField,TrimField} from '@bb-tech/ra-components';
  1. Now you can use the controls in your code.
<JsonInput source='config' label='JSON Config' />


JsonInput validates if the entered value is JSON or not. If entered value is not a invalid JSON, JsonInput will throw an error.
Default error message is: Invalid JSON and can be overridden using errortext prop.

<JsonInput source='config' label='JSON Config' errortext='Enter a valid JSON'/>

or use translate function:

<JsonInput source='config' label={translate('resources.resource_name.fields.config')} errortext={translate('myroot.validate.json')}/>

By default, JsonInput parses and returns the entered string as object. Instead, to send string directly, please pass parse prop as false

<JsonInput source='config' label='JSON Config' parse={false}/>


Your JSON can be viewed in a tree structure using JsonField .

<JsonField source='config' label='JSON Config' />

You can send multiple sources as comma seperated string. If you send source as ALL, JSON tree will be created from all the values of record.

<JsonField source='config1,config2' label='JSON Config' />

You can also set JSON text directly instead of using source prop.

<JsonField json={jsonobj} label='JSON Object' />

If treeview is false, JSON is viewed as text, i.e., tweaked to add enough spaces so that it fits the screen.

<JsonField json={jsonobj} label='JSON Object' treeview={false}/>

Also, if togglelabel is set, a button is shown additionally to toggle between tree and text.

<JsonField json={jsonobj} label='JSON Object' togglelabel='Toggle-View'/>

If expandlabel and collapselabel are set, a button is shown additionally to toggle between expand and collapse.

<JsonField json={jsonobj} label='JSON Object' expandlabel='Expand' collapselabel='Collapse'/>


Any TextField with more number of characters can be limited using TrimField.

<TrimField source='field' label='Trimmed Field' />

By default, this trims the value to 30 chars and appends ... to the end.

You can customize it.

<TrimField source='field' label='Trimmed Field' limit={40} trimstr='....' />


EmailInput is used to validate if the entered value is an email or not.

<EmailInput source='email' label='Email Address' />

You can restrict the email to a specific domain.

<EmailInput source='email' domains={['yourdomain.com']} />

MULTIPLE allows it to take comma separated email addresses. Or you can specify a separator.

<EmailInput source='email' domains={['yourdomain.com']} type={EmailTypes.MULTIPLE} splitchar=';'/>

In case of an invalid email address, you can customize the error message using errortext prop.

Notes for EmailTypes.ARRAY

  • If you want to get array of email addresses, please pass type as EmailTypes.ARRAY.
  • By default each of EmailInput component is wrapped on the screen.
  • You can pass wrap={false} to get each EmailInput one below the other.
  • 'Emails' is the default label given to the array. Use grouplabel prop to override.


URLInput is used to validate if the entered value is a valid URL or not.

<URLInput source='url' label='URL' />

You can restrict the URL to a specific domain.

<URLInput source='url' domains={['yourdomain.com']} />

By default, URLInput allows only https. You can extend it for http or ftp.

<URLInput source='url' domains={['yourdomain.com']} httpAllowed={true} ftpAllowed={true} />

If you want an API endpoint to be captured without http and domain, you can use APIEndPoint. APIEndPoint allows any string starting with /.

<URLInput source='url' APIEndPoint={true} />

MULTIPLE allows it to take comma separated urls. Or you can specify a separator.

<URLInput source='url' domains={['yourdomain.com']} type={URLTypes.MULTIPLE} splitchar=';'/>

In case of an invalid URL, you can customize the error message using errortext prop.


PhoneInput is used to validate if the entered value is a valid phone number or not.

<PhoneInput source='phone' label='Phone Number' />

You can restrict to phone numbers of specific country by using the country prop. Two letter ISO code should be used here.

<PhoneInput source='phone' label='Phone Number' country='IN' />

MULTIPLE allows it to take comma separated phone numbers. Or you can specify a separator.

<PhoneInput source='phone' label='Phone Number' type={PhoneTypes.MULTIPLE} splitchar=';'/>

In case of an invalid phone number, you can customize the error message using errortext prop.

Notes for PhoneTypes.ARRAY

  • If you want to get array of phone numbers, please pass type as PhoneTypes.ARRAY.
  • By default each of PhoneInput component is wrapped on the screen.
  • You can pass wrap as false to get each PhoneInput one below the other.
  • Phone Numbers is the default label given to the array. Use grouplabel prop to override.


You may want to add a button to update specific column of a record. Example: You can add a button to Approve a post.

<UpdateButton resource='posts' label='Approve' source='is_approved'/>

In the above example, is_approved column of the curret record within posts, will be updated to true.

You can pass value prop to update the source to a specific value, instead of true.

<UpdateButton resource='posts' label='Approve' source='post_status' value='APPROVED' />

You can also update two or more columns by passing json in data. Ex: Approve the post and also update the status as APPROVED

const data = {is_approved:true,post_status:'APPROVED'};
<UpdateButton resource='posts' label='Approve' data={data} />

Note: You can send either source or data. if source is there, data is ignored.

By default, UpdateButton merges the un-updated data and updated data and sends the whole object. If your API expects only updated data, you can turn this off using merge prop.

const data = {is_approved:true,post_status:'APPROVED'};
<UpdateButton resource='posts' label='Approve' data={data} merge={false}/>


ra-components is licensed under MIT License, sponsored and supported by BigBasket Tech.