
Mentions component for Angular.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bboxxMentions from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bboxx/mentions';


Angular @Mentions Component


An extension of the awesome @flxng/mentions's library, with optional support to use cdk overlay for rendering overlay and few critical bug fixes like:

  1. Open Issue #33 for @flxng/mentions,
  2. choice selection doesn't work with closeMenuOnBlur=true
  3. multiple scrollbar appearance for both highlight and autocomplete components.

Flexible, lightweight, easy-to-use, without external dependencies - Mentions component for Angular.

Docs and Demo


Mentions GIF

Getting Started


$ npm i @bboxx/mentions

After importing the module the lib is ready to use:

import { MentionsModule } from '@bboxx/mentions';

  imports: [MentionsModule],
  declarations: [],
export class DemoModule {}


Check also Docs and Demo.


Name Description Type Default
textInputElement Reference to the text input element. HTMLTextAreaElement Required
menuTemplate Reference to the menu template (used to display the search results). TemplateRef Required
getChoiceLabel A function that formats the selected choice once selected. The result (label) is also used as a choice identifier (e.g. when editing choices). (choice: any) => string Required
triggerCharacter The character which will trigger the search. string @
searchRegexp The regular expression that will match the search text after the trigger character. No match will hide the menu. RegExp /^\w*$/
closeMenuOnBlur Whether to close the menu when the host textInputElement loses focus. boolean false
selectedChoices Pre-set choices for edit text mode, or to select/mark choices from outside the mentions component. any[] []
tagCssClass The CSS class to add to highlighted tags. string ''
useCDKOverlay Boolean to control whether overlay should be displayed using pure CSS or using @angular/cdk Overlay implementation. boolean false


Name Description Output type
search Called on user input after entering trigger character. Emits search term to search by. string
menuShow Called when the choices menu is shown. void
menuHide Called when the choices menu is hidden. void
choiceSelected Called when a choice is selected. ChoiceWithIndices
choiceRemoved Called when a choice is removed. ChoiceWithIndices
selectedChoicesChange Called when a choice is selected, removed, or if any of the choices' indices change. ChoiceWithIndices[]
tagClick Called when the area over a tag is clicked. TagMouseEvent
tagMouseEnter Called when the area over a tag is moused over. TagMouseEvent
tagMouseLeave Called when the area over the tag has the mouse removed from it. TagMouseEvent

Basic example

<div class="relative-block-container">
  <textarea cols="42"
            placeholder="Enter '@' and start typing..."

  <flx-mentions [textInputElement]="textareaRef"
                [searchRegexp]="'^([-&.\\w]+ *){0,3}


  <ng-template #menuTemplate
    <ul class="flx-selectable-list">
      <li *ngFor="let user of choices"
        <span title="{{user.name}}">{{user.name}}</span>

More examples here.


All suggestions and improvements are welcome and appreciated.


The MIT License.