
Copy node_modules dependencies directly into your assets.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bent10Codep from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bent10/codep';



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Copy node_modules dependencies directly into your assets.


  • Fast
  • CLI support
  • Creating non-existent output directories
  • User-friendly error messages
  • Customable reporting


npm install @bent10/codep -D


import Codep from "@bent10/codep"

await new Codep("assets/vendor", {
  exclude: ["jquery", "modernizr"]

It is ready to use on the CLI as well, with zero configuration.

$ codep --help

  $ codep <outDir>

  Copy dependencies with default options
  $ codep public/assets

  Copy dependencies to public/assets folder except jquery and modernizr
  $ codep public/assets --exclude jquery,modernizr

  -s, --source           Specify the node modules directory
  -p, --pkg              Specify the package.json location
  -k, --keepDist         Keep the dist folder to exist
  -e, --exclude          Specify the name of the dependencies you don\'t want to copy, e.g. "bootstrap,modernizr"
  -d, --devDependencies  Should you need to grab devDependencies as well?
  --ext                  Only copied files with the specified extension, e.g. "js,ts"
  --overwrite            Do you want to overwrite existing dependencies in <outDir>?

<outDir>  Specify an output folder for all copied files

For local installation usage:

npx codep --help

Or via package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "vendor": "codep assets/vendor"

Then run npm run vendor through your CLI.


new Codep(outDir, options?)

const codep = new Codep("assets/vendor")


Type : string

Specify an output folder for all copied files


Type: object

Property Type Default Description
source string node_modules Specify the node modules directory
pkg string package.json Specify the json file location
flattenDist boolean true Keep the dist folder or flatten in the root folder from each dependency
exclude string\|array [] Specify the name of the dependencies you don't want to copy, e.g. ['jquery', 'modernizr']
ext string\|array Only copied files with the specified extension. Use * to grab all files from dependencies
overwrite boolean false Do you want to overwrite existing dependencies in the outdir?
devDependencies boolean false Should you need to grab devDependencies as well?

ext Default: js,jsx,ts,tsx,css,scss,less,stylus,map,eot,woff,woff2,ttf,svg,png,jpg,jpeg


Write source files to outDir asynchronously.

;(async () => {
  await codep.paste()


Handle progress reports the way you want.

import Codep from "@bent10/codep"

// initialize Codep
const codep = new Codep("assets/vendor", {
  exclude: ["jquery", "modernizr"]

// handle reports or just ignore this block
codep.on("progress", data => {
  // doing things on progress

// copying
;(async () => {
  try {
    await codep.paste()
  } catch (error) {
    throw error

codep.on('progress', handler)


Type: Function


Type: Manifest

Manifest is an object with properties below:

Property Type
success number
failed number
processed number
percent string
vendors string[]
totalFiles number
log Log


Please contribute! We welcome issues and pull requests.

When committing, please conform to the semantic-release commit standards.


MIT License 2021 © Stilearning and contributors