
Blackprint nodes Polkadot's RPC client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import blackprintNodesPolkadotJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@blackprint/nodes-polkadot.js';


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Polkadot.js integration for Blackprint

This module gives you an ability to use Polkadot.js's APIs with Blackprint.


For more updated example, please go to /example folder and import it with Blackprint Editor.

Listening to new block (JSON)

Open this example on Blackprint Editor.

You can also import this JSON into Blackprint Editor.

{"_":{"moduleJS":["https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blackprint/nodes-polkadot.js@0.2/dist/nodes-polkadotjs.mjs","https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blackprint/nodes@0.3.1/dist/nodes-console.mjs","https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blackprint/nodes@0.3.1/dist/nodes-decoration.mjs"]},"Polkadot.js/Connection/WebSocket":[{"i":0,"x":52,"y":51,"data":{"rpcURL":"wss://rpc.shibuya.astar.network"},"output":{"API":[{"i":4,"name":"API"}]}},{"i":1,"x":52,"y":244,"data":{"rpcURL":"wss://ws.test.azero.dev"},"output":{"API":[{"i":5,"name":"API"}]}}],"Console/Log":[{"i":2,"x":656,"y":158},{"i":3,"x":654,"y":262}],"Polkadot.js/Events/Blocks":[{"i":4,"x":406,"y":69,"output":{"Number":[{"i":2,"name":"Any"}]}},{"i":5,"x":408,"y":262,"output":{"Number":[{"i":3,"name":"Any"}]}}],"Decoration/Text/Notes":[{"i":6,"x":658,"y":69,"data":{"value":"You can also CTRL + Right click on a port to get suggested node"}}]}

Distributable files

All files inside src folder will be bundled into 3 distributable file. Some file is optional to be loaded on the target environment.

// all .js files
- dist/nodes-polkadotjs.mjs    // For browser, Node.js, and Deno (required)

// all .sf files
- dist/nodes-polkadotjs.sf.mjs // For browser only (required)
- dist/nodes-polkadotjs.sf.css // For browser only (optional)

Directory structure

Configuration file can be changed from ./blackprint.config.js.
The src directory structure is arranged like below:

File path Blackprint Node path
./src/Account/Transfer.js Polkadot.js/Account/Transfer
./src/Connection/WebSocket.js Polkadot.js/Connection/WebSocket

With the above structure, you can easily find the nodes on Blackprint Editor like below:



You will need to clone this repository and install the required dependencies.

$ npm install

Watch changes and run a local server

By running local server you can ask Blackprint Editor to connect into it to enjoy hot reload.
If you only want to do a testing, please skip this step.

$ npm start

Build and minify

Bundle every files and minify it into 3 distributable file.

$ npm run build-prod

Running Test

  • We will use Jest to do the testing for Browser and Node.js
  • Before running this test, make sure you have build this module
  • Westend's testnet will be used (My mnemonic is stored on GitHub Action's secrets)
  • If you're going to test from your environment, please rename .env.example to .env and edit it
  • Address for ChainId: 42
    • Wallet A: 5CPKqqEXE3YHKProqt5e6o8Lw9xBSdpf5Ex44U5WjL82yKPj
    • Wallet B: 5CdiLQpHyeJJsdgP5azER3dtBmgRTNhYQhLxRdmBmRqXQRGH
$ npm test

Import this nodes from URL

Please specify the version to avoid breaking changes.

], {
  // Turn this on if you want to load ".sf.js" and ".sf.css" for browser
  loadBrowserInterface: true // set to "false" for Node.js/Deno

Development URL

You can use this link to load unpublished nodes that still under development on GitHub.

Please append /url-here?random-number if your browser still using the cached files



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