
Cross platform symbol upload tool

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bugsplatSymbolUpload from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bugsplat/symbol-upload';




This is a simple Node.js utility and set of libraries for uploading symbol files or source maps to BugSplat. This utility is designed to be used in your build process to automatically upload symbols to BugSplat for each production build. This package can be used as a library or a command line utility.

Command Line

  1. Install this package globally npm i -g @bugsplat/symbol-upload
  2. Run symbol-upload with -h to see the latest usage information:
bobby@BugSplat % ~ % symbol-upload -h


  symbol-upload contains a command line utility and a set of libraries to help  
  you upload symbol files to BugSplat.                                          


  -h, --help                             Print this usage guide.                                                       
  -b, --database string                  Your BugSplat database name. The value of database must match the value used  
                                         to post crash reports. This value can also be provided via the                
                                         BUGSPLAT_DATABASE environment variable.                                       
  -a, --application string               The name of your application. The value of application must match the value   
                                         used to post crash reports. If not provided symbol-upload will attempt to use 
                                         the value of the name field in package.json if it exists in the current       
                                         working directory.                                                            
  -v, --version string                   Your application's version. The value of version must match the value used to 
                                         post crash reports. If not provided symbol-upload will attempt to use the     
                                         value of the version field in package.json if it exists in the current        
                                         working directory.                                                            
  -u, --user string (optional)           The email address used to log into your BugSplat account. If provided         
                                         --password must also be provided. This value can also be provided via the     
                                         SYMBOL_UPLOAD_USER environment variable.                                      
  -p, --password string (optional)       The password for your BugSplat account. If provided --user must also be       
                                         provided. This value can also be provided via the SYMBOL_UPLOAD_PASSWORD      
                                         environment variable.                                                         
  -i, --clientId string (optional)       An OAuth2 Client Credentials Client ID for the specified database. If         
                                         provided --clientSecret must also be provided. This value can also be         
                                         provided via the SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_ID environment variable.                
  -s, --clientSecret string (optional)   An OAuth2 Client Credentials Client Secret for the specified database. If     
                                         provided --clientId must also be provided. This value can also be provided    
                                         via the SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.                     
  -r, --remove                           Removes symbols for a specified database, application, and version. If this   
                                         option is provided no other actions are taken.                                
  -f, --files string (optional)          Glob pattern that specifies a set of files to upload. Defaults to '*.js.map'  
  -d, --directory string (optional)      Path of the base directory used to search for symbol files. This value will   
                                         be combined with the --files glob. Defaults to '.'                            

  The -u and -p arguments are not required if you set the environment variables 
  SYMBOL_UPLOAD_USER and SYMBOL_UPLOAD_PASSWORD, or provide a clientId and      
  The -i and -s arguments are not required if you set the environment variables 
  and password.                                                                 


  symbol-upload -b your-bugsplat-database -a your-application-name -v your-     
  version [ -f "*.js.map" -d "/path/to/containing/dir" [ -u your-bugsplat-email 
  -p your-bugsplat-password ] OR [ -i your-client-id -s your-client-secret] ]   


  🐛 https://bugsplat.com                          
  💻 https://github.com/BugSplat-Git/symbol-upload 
  💌 support@bugsplat.com   
  1. Run symbol-upload specifying a glob pattern for -f and a path with forward slashes for -d


  1. Install this package locally npm i @bugsplat/symbol-upload.
  2. Import BugSplatApiClient and SymbolsApiClient from @bugsplat/symbol-upload. Alternatively, you can import OAuth2ClientCredentialsApiClient if you'd prefer to authenticate with an OAuth2 Client Credentials Client ID and Client Secret.
import { BugSplatApiClient, OAuth2ClientCredentialsApiClient, SymbolsApiClient } from '@bugsplat/symbol-upload';
  1. Create a new instance of BugSplatApiClient using the createAuthenticatedClientForNode async factory function or OAuth2ClientCredentialsApiClient using the createAuthenticatedClient async factory function.
const bugsplat = await BugSplatApiClient.createAuthenticatedClientForNode(email, password);
const bugsplat = await OAuth2ClientCredentialsApiClient.createAuthenticatedClient(clientId, clientSecret);
  1. Create an UploadableFile object for each symbol file path.
const files = paths.map(path => {
  const stat = fs.statSync(path);
  const size = stat.size;
  const name = basename(path);
  const file = fs.createReadStream(path);
  return {
  1. Create an instance of SymbolsApiClient passing it an instance of BugSplatApiClient.
const symbolsApiClient = new SymbolsApiClient(bugsplat);
  1. Await the call to postSymbols passing it the name of your BugSplat database, application, version and an array of files. These values need to match the values you used to initialize BugSplat on whichever platform you've integrated with.
await symbolsApiClient.postSymbols(

If you've done everything correctly your symbols should now be shown on the Symbols page.


Thanks for using BugSplat!