
Easily connect your custom ecommerce backend data to your Builder.io content!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import builderIoCommercePluginTools from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@builder.io/commerce-plugin-tools';


Builder.io Commerce plugin tools

Easily connect your custom ecommerce backend data to your Builder.io content!

Shopify data example

This package main expor is registerCommercePlugin, which will allow you to define what your ecommerce backend needs ( apiToken, password), prompt Builder.io users for it and register multiple field types per resource that allow for easy embedding and custom targeting for each resource ( products, collections, personas ...etc) in your ecommerce store.

for real world example check the @builder.io/ecom-swell-is folder.

import { registerCommercePlugin } from '@builder.io/commerce-plugin-tools';

    name: 'Swell',
    id: '@builder.io/ecome-swell-is',
    settings: [
      // list of information needed to connect store, optional
        name: 'storeId',
        type: 'string',
        required: true,
          'Get your Store ID from swell store settings https://swell.store/docs/api/?javascript#authentication',
        name: 'secretKey',
        type: 'string',
        required: true,
          'Get your Secret key from swell store settings https://swell.store/docs/api/?javascript#authentication',
    ctaText: `Connect your swell.is store`,
   * settings here will be an observable map of the settings you configured above in settings,
   *  ( in this example settings.get('storeId') will give us the storeId entered by user)
  settings => {
    // setup basic cache for a better user experience
    const basicCache = new Map();
    const baseUrl = (url: string) =>
      'https://builder.io/api/v1/proxy-api?url=' +
      encodeURIComponent('https://api.swell.store/' + url);
    const headers = {
      Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`${settings.get('storeId')}:${settings.get('secretKey')}`)}`,
      Accept: 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    // always transform product to match Resource interface, ts will notify you if not
    const transformProduct = (product: any) => ({
      id: product.id,
      title: product.name,
      handle: product.slug,
      ...(product.images && {
        image: {
          src: product.images[0]?.file.url,

    return {
      product: {
        async findById(id: string) {
          const key = `${id}productById`;
          const product =
            basicCache.get(key) ||
            (await fetch(baseUrl(`products/${id}`), { headers })
              .then(res => res.json())
          basicCache.set(key, product);
          return product;
        async findByHandle(handle: string) {
          const key = `${handle}productByHandle`;
          const response =
            basicCache.get(key) ||
            (await fetch(baseUrl(`products?where[active]=true&where[slug]=${handle}`), {
            }).then(res => res.json()));
          basicCache.set(key, response);
          const product = response.results.map(transformProduct)[0];
          return product;
        async search(search: string) {
          const response = await fetch(baseUrl(`products?where[active]=true&search=${search}`), {
          }).then(res => res.json());
          return response.results.map(transformProduct);

        getRequestObject(id: string) {
          return {
            '@type': '@builder.io/core:Request',
            request: {
              url: baseUrl(`products/${id}`),
            options: {
              product: id,