
Styling your Svelte apps with CSS Variables, persisted.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import centroculturadigitalMxSvelteThemer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@centroculturadigital-mx/svelte-themer';



Styling your Svelte apps with CSS Variables, persisted.

  import { ThemeWrapper, ThemeToggle } from 'svelte-themer'

    <h1>svelte themer</h1>
    <ThemeToggle />

CSS Variables

CSS variables are created for app-wide consumption using the nomenclature --theme-[prefix]-[property!]

For example:

  • --theme-base-text where prefix = 'base' and property = 'text'
  • --theme-text where prefix = null || undefined and property = 'text'

Getting Started

Use the following as a base for your custom themes:

// src/theme.js
export const themes = [
    name: 'light',
    colors: {
      text: '#282230',
      background: '#f1f1f1',
    name: 'dark',
    colors: {
      text: '#f1f1f1',
      background: '#27323a',


Then, provide the new themes to the ThemeWrapper component

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  import { ThemeWrapper } from 'svelte-themer'
  import { themes } from './theme.js'

<ThemeWrapper themes="{themes}">
    <h1>My Svelte App</h1>

This allows any components nested to access the theme Context which wraps a writeable Theme store

Theme Persistence

By default svelte-themer persists the chosen theme with localStorage, and can be modified via the storageKey prop.

<ThemeWrapper storageKey="my-svelte-app__theme">
  <!--  -->

Accessing Theme Context

  import { getContext } from 'svelte'
  let { toggle, theme } = getContext('theme')

<button on:click="{toggle}">

Provided Theme Toggle

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  import { ThemeWrapper, ThemeToggle } from 'svelte-themer'
  import { themes } from './theme.js'

<ThemeWrapper themes="{themes}">
    <h1>My Svelte App</h1>
    <ThemeToggle />