
Breakpoint node for Ignite

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cgigniteIgniteBreakpoint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cgignite/ignite-breakpoint';



breakpoint allows you to pause the execution of the flow and help you to load your JSON data (msg.payload) directly into the Ignite JSONata explorer.


1. Name

Set a manuell name for the node. If no name is set, the node sets the selected operation name.

2. Timeout

Set the number of time in seconds for which you want to pause the execution of the flow. Node will capture the JSON data (msg.payload) and load after specified time set in the timeout.


1. Payload

Returns the JSON object.


How to use

Input the breakpoint node with some JSON message or other message. Set the timer for which you want to pause the execution of the flow. When you will inject some value, value will wait till the time you specified. You can find the status below the node as well. Once specified time will pass, flow will resume the execution. Once you click on the button "Explore with JSONata", your JSON data (msg.payload) will automatically loaded into ignite-jsonata explorer and open in the new tab.