
Chameleon date

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chameleonDsDate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chameleon-ds/date';


Chameleon Date

import { html } from "@open-wc/demoing-storybook";
import { withKnobs, text, boolean } from "@open-wc/demoing-storybook";
import "./chameleon-date.js";

export default {
  title: "Components|Form Elements/Date",
  component: "chameleon-date",
  decorators: [withKnobs],
  options: { selectedPanel: "storybookjs/docs/panel" },


Property Name Type(s) Default Value Description
name String "cha-date" The date's form name
active Boolean false Whether or not the date picker drawer is open
renderedDate Object null The Date object of the rendered date
placeholder String "" The date's placeholder text
label String "" The date's label text
readonly Boolean false Whether or not the date picker is readonly
value String "" The date picker's text value (YYYY-MM-DD)
min String null The date picker's minimum value (YYYY-MM-DD)
max String null The date picker's maximum value (YYYY-MM-DD)
required Boolean false Whether or not the date value is required
canDelete Boolean true If the date is able to be deleted
disabled Boolean false Whether or not the date picker is disabled
validationMessage String "" The date picker's validation message
invalid Boolean false Whether or not the date picker is invalid
overlayRenderMode String "month" The date picker's overlay mode ("year", "month")



export const Default = () => {
  const placeholder = text("Placeholder", "Select Date");
  const label = text("Label", "Date *");
  const minValue = text("Min Value (YYYY-MM-DD)", "");
  const maxValue = text("Max Value (YYYY-MM-DD)", "");
  const readonly = boolean("Read Only", false);
  const invalid = boolean("Invalid", false);
  const required = boolean("Required", false);
  const disabled = boolean("Disabled", false);
  const error = text("Error", "");
  const name = text("Name", "input-form-name");

  return html`

Error State

export const ErrorState = () => html`
    placeholder="Select Date"
    label="Date *"
    validationMessage="Date must be selected"