
lima is the minimal implementation of literate markdown.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cheeLima from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chee/lima';



lima is the minimal implementation of literate markdown.


$ lima tangle file.md


the syntax is inspired by org-mode.

# welcome to my file

here is some code:

    ```c++ filename="main.cc", name="sum"
    auto sum (std::vector<int> numbers) {
        int result = 0;
        for (auto i : numbers) {
            result += i;
        return result;

have a look in ./test/integration-tests/sum to see this example

you see the option is passed in the info string after the file type.


you can perform replacements with a syntax inspired by knuth's noweb

if you give a block a name (rather than a filename), you can refer to it in a later block and have it included.

have a look in ./test/integration-tests/noweb for an example

valid options

| option | type | info | implemented? | | -- | -- | -- | -- | | filename | string | required for the block to be tangled, but optional | 👍 | | chmod | number (interpreted as octal) | the mode the file should have | 👍 | | shebang | string | the shebang to put at the top of the file. if chmod is unset, this will set the executable bit | 👍 | | name | string | a name for this codeblock | 👍 | | chown | string or number | the user name or id the file should have | no | | chgrp | string or number | the group name or id the file should have | no | | sudo | bool | if the file should be written as root | no | | if | string | an environment variable that must be present for the file to be written | no | | unless | string | an environment variable that must not be present for the file to be written | no |


lima markdown files are valid commonmark, any markdown renderer that support fenced code blocks should be able to be used as weavers.

there is room for a future lima weave sub-command allowing more exciting things to happen.


  • add a weave
  • maybe add noweb variable syntax [[m = 1000]]
  • investigate some way of declaring dictionaries
  • add the ability to execute codeblocks during tangle and weave
  • add library-of-babel-like functions