This module contains methods used when interacting with salesforce users. There are a number of methods that can be used to retrieve details about a user and a utility method for setting properties of those users.
npm i @chg/salesforce-users
const sfUsers = require('@chg/salesforce-users')('client_id', 'client_secret', 'dev');
// make sure the user you use has access to change user and contact records in salesforce
sf.authorize('admin_user', 'shhh secret password!');
// Get/Set user
const user = await sf.getUser('');
await sf.setUser('', { FavoriteFood: "Turkish Delight" });
// Get/Set contact
const contact = await sf.getContact('');
await sf.setContact('', { FavoriteFood: "Turkish Delight" });
// We are ready to delete Mr. Tumnus
await sf.deactivateUser("");