The whole plan is to make it easy to do rpc. The base concept is to send and hanlde messages (over nats).
This replaces both workers and events and combines them both into one simple context. Handlers get registered to a path with an optional group, to make them share the load of that queue.
Messages still looks like this:
metadata:{<bunch of headers>},
body:<up to you>
An example
This example will echo what ever got sent to the topic echo.
const {nats, model} = require('../')
// connect to nats
const c = nats.Server.connect()
// bind a handler to the echo queue, expecting to be called with request.
c.handler('echo', null, ctx => {
let m = ctx.body()
To consume the above rpc service:
const {nats, model} = require('../')
// connect to nats
const c = nats.Server.connect()
// request a response from echo, give it 3000 millis to respond to us.
let res = await c.request('echo', model.Message.newEmptyStringBody(), 3000)
// res will now contain a model.Message response.