
For importing an external repo into a monorepo subdirectory with git history/blame intact

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chrisdothtmlMonorepoImport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chrisdothtml/monorepo-import';



For importing an external repo into a monorepo subdirectory with git history/blame intact

This tool is forked from lerna import, and is intended to allow for using that logic generically with non-lerna monorepos.


yarn global add @chrisdothtml/monorepo-import
# or
npm install -g @chrisdothtml/monorepo-import
# or
volta install @chrisdothtml/monorepo-import


# Usage:
monorepo-import --help
monorepo-import <external-repo-path> <monorepo-path> <sub-directory>

# Examples:
monorepo-import ../monorepo ../external-repo external-repo
monorepo-import ../monorepo ../my-project projects/my-project

When you use this to import an external repo into your monorepo:

  • it will apply every commit of <external-repo-path> one-by-one on top of HEAD of <monorepo-path>
  • file paths throughout the entire repo history are prefixed by your provided <sub-directory>
  • original commit author, committer, and date are all preserved