
Chromatix custom config for ESLint. Based heavily on the WordPress Coding Standards but with some of our own too.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chromatixEslintConfigChromatix from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chromatix/eslint-config-chromatix';



Shareable config for ESLint for custom standards at Chromatix Digital Agency.

Based heavily on the WordPress Coding Standards but with some of our own too. Most notably, two spaces instead of tabs. Soz.

This config is still in development. If you have suggestions for improvement or if you disagree with anything this config makes you do, feel free to file an issue.

Publishing to npm/yarn

This package auto-deploys to NPM on the master branch, any changes should be Pull Requests, There will need to be a version bump for a publish to be successful


Install globally to use on any project:

yarn global add @chromatix/eslint-config-chromatix

Install locally to one project:

yarn add --dev @chromatix/eslint-config-chromatix

You'll also need to have ESLint installed in the same manner.


Frontend / WordPress Javascript

Add this to your .eslintrc.js file:

module.exports = {
  'extends': [


Add this to your .eslintrc.js file:

module.exports = {
  'extends': [


Add this to your .eslintrc.js file:

module.exports = {
  'extends': [


  • Using globally?
    Run eslint "**/*.js".

  • Using locally?
    Add "lint:js": "eslint \"**/*.js\"" to your package.json's "scripts" section, then run yarn lint:js

Additional Tips

  • Outputting code coverage reports with Jest? Add --ignore-pattern coverage/ to your eslint command.
  • Want ESLint to list the filenames it is linting, even if everything passes? Add cross-env as a dev dependency and then add cross-env DEBUG=eslint:cli-engine before your eslint command.

See also
