
web-automation-testing tool run on Chromium, by using this tool , user only need to define business process and test data, no coding required.but XPATH is required.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cicDigitalWebFunctionTest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cic-digital/web-function-test';




web-automation-testing tool run on Chromium, by using this tool , user only need to define business process and test data, no coding required.but XPATH is required.


it wat developed based on puppeteer


Node.JS enviroment is required

quick start


npm install -g @cic-digital/web-function-test --unsafe-perm=true

optional install

npm install -g fx

open terminal , go to an empty folder , init it

wft init

init example

wft example

wft example command can not be used twice please empty your folder before you use it again.

wft run -p $(fx executeCaseList.json '.plan[0].id')

after run command,find your snapshot and report in ./output

please be noted , firefox is still still in experimental

quick start using docker

docker enviroment is required

go to an empty folder and init it.

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src k19810703/webfunctiontest bash /usr/local/bin/init.sh

run example

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src k19810703/webfunctiontest wft run -p $(fx executeCaseList.json '.plan[0].id')

launch ui

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src -p 3000:3000 k19810703/webfunctiontest wft ui


参考 ./case.json ./component.json ./param.json

  1. 基本操作sample(input, click, dropdown, radio)
  2. Frame操作sample(带有多个frame的操作)
  3. table验证sample(验证table内容和csv是否一致,csv参考./files/test.csv)
  4. 文件上传sample(上传./files/test.csv)
  5. 鼠标移动到页面元素sample
  6. 拖动页面元素sample
  7. 切换窗口sample

what happened(WIP)

Basic Concept


how to use it(WIP)

we will provide web user interface for edit all json file later.

wft ui