
To install this library, go to your angular project directory and use:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cinchyCoAngularSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cinchy-co/angular-sdk';




To install this library, go to your angular project directory and use:

$ npm install @cinchy-co/angular-sdk --save

Please use version 2.x.x and 3.x.x if you are using Angular 6 / Angular 7 / Angular 8 and Cinchy v2.x.x / Cinchy v3.x.x.

Please use version 4.0.0 if you are using Angular 6 / Angular 7 / Angular 8 and anything from Cinchy 4.0.0 to Cinchy v4.5.x.

Please use version 4.1.* if you are using Angular 6 / Angular 7 / Angular 8 and Cinchy v4.6.0 and up.

Please use version 4.2.0 and up if you are using Angular 6 / Angular 7 / Angular 8 / Angular 9 / Angular 10 and Cinchy v4.15.1 and up and/or experiencing login issues due to Chrome's new SameSite cookie policies.

Please use version 4.4.0 and up if you are using Angular 7 / Angular 8 / Angular 9 / Angular 10 and Cinchy v4.15.1 and up.

If you are using Angular 5 and a lower version of Cinchy, use version 1.x.x or lower.

In order to use the .getUserPreferences() and .getTranslatedLiterals(guids, debug?) functions in the API (added since version 4.0.0), your Cinchy version should be at least on Cinchy v4.x.x.

Importing the Cinchy Library

From your Angular AppModule:

// Import Cinchy's module and service
import { CinchyModule } from '@cinchy-co/angular-sdk';

  imports: [
    // Import CinchyModule in imports

  // Add CinchyModule as one of the providers
  providers: [CinchyModule],
export class AppModule { }

Before Usage

Once CinchyModule is imported, you can use the library through CinchyService. You may use CinchyService anywhere you inject it into.

Before you can make any API calls, you must configure CinchyService and login to Cinchy. In this example, we do it in AppComponent:

// Import CinchyService to make API calls and CinchyConfig to configure the service
import { CinchyService, CinchyConfig } from '@cinchy-co/angular-sdk';

// Create a config (as a class of CinchyConfig) to be loaded into CinchyService
export const MyCinchyAppConfig: CinchyConfig = {
  // The root url of your Cinchy instance
  cinchyRootUrl: 'http://my.cinchy.instance.co',
  // The url of your Cinchy IdentityServer
  authority: 'http://my.cinchy.instance.co/cinchyssocore',
  // The redirect url after logging in
  redirectUri: 'http://my-app-url/',
  // The client id for your applet
  clientId: 'my-applet-id',
  // (Optional) The redirect url after you logout
  logoutRedirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/',
  // (Optional) The requested scopes for the applet (must be permitted for the client)
  // You must have openid and id requested
  scope: 'openid id email profile roles',
  // (Optional) Enable silent refresh
  silentRefreshEnabled: true,
  // (Optional) (Mandatory if silentRefreshEnabled = true) The silent refresh url
  silentRefreshRedirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/silent-refresh.html'

  // Load the MyCinchyAppConfig into CinchyService
  providers: [CinchyService, {
    provide: CinchyConfig, useValue: MyCinchyAppConfig

export class AppComponent {

  // Inject CinchyService into this component
  constructor(private _cinchyService: CinchyService) {

    // Redirect to login screen
    this._cinchyService.login().then( response => {
        console.log('Login Success!');
    }).catch( error => {
        console.log('Login Failed');  

Enabling Silent Refresh

Silent refresh automatically refreshes your access token every 75% of your token's lifetime.

In order to use silent refresh, you must:

1). Set the silentRefreshEnabled property to true in your CinchyConfig object.

2). Add a silent-refresh.html file into your Angular project. This can be found within the /src/lib/ folder in the repo or copy & paste this:

            parent.postMessage(location.hash, location.origin);

3). Within your angular.json file, specify the silent-refresh.html path and file within the "assets" property:

"assets": [

Silent refresh works by using a hidden iframe to access a url that contains the silent-refresh.html page. This iframe makes a request to the server to retrieve a new access token.

4). Add the silent-refresh url into the "Permitted Login Redirect URLs" field of the "Integrated Clients" table within Cinchy (eg. http://localhost:3000/silent-refresh.html).

Allowing App for Embedment

Apps can be embedded and launched within the Cinchy platfrom.

Before your app can be embedded, you must use the iframe-resizer library within your Angular App. This allows your app to be properly resized within an iFrame when integrated into Cinchy's platform.

The iframe-resizer package is already included in the Cinchy npm package so it installed it within your node_modules. Simply the iframe-resizer .js files into your project's scripts within .angular-cli.json:

"scripts": [

Please note that in order for iFrame to properly resize within the Cinchy platform, the height of your outer most elements (a div container for example) needs to have a style height of auto.

Example Usage

Once your Angular app is properly set-up and logged into Cinchy, you may start executing queries.

Executing a query and parsing returned data:

const data = [];
const domain = 'My Domain Name';
const query = 'My Query Name';

// Values such as connectionid, transactionid, and parameterized variables in the query
const params = {'@city': 'Toronto'};

this._cinchyService.executeQuery(domain, query, params).subscribe(
    response => {
        let queryResult = response.queryResult;
        // Parses the result data
        while (queryResult.moveToNextRow()) {
            const this_row = {};
            for (const col of queryResult.getColNames()){
                this_row[col] = queryResult.getCellValue(col);

        // Printing the result after parsing
    error => {

Executing a custom query and parsing returned data:

// CSQL Query
const query = 'SELECT * FROM [DOMAIN].[TABLE NAME]';

// Values such as connectionid, transactionid, and parameterized variables in the query
const params = null;

const data = [];
this._cinchyService.executeCsql(query, params).subscribe(
    response => {
        let queryResult = response.QueryResult;
        // Parses the result data
        while (queryResult.moveToNextRow()) {
            const this_row = {};
            for (const col of queryResult.getColNames()){
                this_row[col] = queryResult.getCellValue(col);

        // Printing the result after parsing
    error => {

Using Translate API

In order to use the Translation API, you will have to use the getTranslatedLiterals(guids) function and using the returned dictionary to bind the translation text into your view.

Assuming you have CinchyService setup and a user is logged in, follow these steps to get translation working:

1). In your component, import CinchyLiteralDictionary from @cinchy-co/angular-sdk.

import { CinchyLiteralDictionary } from '@cinchy-co/angular-sdk';

2). Find the strings you want translated inside the Literals table in the Cinchy domain. Then gather the corresponding guids of the strings and insert them into an array inside your component. Also initialize a CinchyLiteralDictionary object.

export class AppComponent {
  literalDictionary: CinchyLiteralDictionary;
  guids: string[] = ["27d4314b-adee-4e89-ad7f-2381a21729cf",

3). Bind the guids to your component's view.

<div *ngIf="literalDictionary">
    <h1>{{ literalDictionary['27d4314b-adee-4e89-ad7f-2381a21729cf'].translation }}</h1>
    <p>Translation 1: {{ literalDictionary['67c7dab0-9a7d-4ec9-88d0-271700c779b4'].translation }}!</p>
    <p>Translation 2: {{ literalDictionary['47d9840d-0e09-4693-ae52-c726c5927a3a'].translation }}!</p>

4). Make the API call by passing in the guids into getTranslatedLiterals(guids) and setting dictionary you initialized in the previous step as the response.

export class AppComponent {
    literalDictionary: CinchyLiteralDictionary;
    guids: string[] = ["27d4314b-adee-4e89-ad7f-2381a21729cf",

    constructor(private _cinchyService: CinchyService) {
        var _this = this;
        this._cinchyService.login().then(function() {
                resp => {
                    _this.literalDictionary = resp;
                error => {
                    console.log('Error getting translations: ', error);

The translated text will then automatically bind into the view.



.login(redirectUriOverride?) => Promise

Redirects the page to Cinchy's login page.

The login function returns a promise indicating when the user is logged in.

Param Type Description
redirectUriOverride string Optional. A redirect url after successfully logging in. This overrides the redirect url in the initial CinchyConfig.
this._cinchyService.login().then( response => {
    console.log('Login Success!');
}).catch( error => {
    console.log('Login Failed');  

.logout() => Void

Logs the user out of the session.

.getUserIdentity() => Observable

Retrieves the logged in user's identity information when it is available.

Example: the return object.id is the user's username. object.sub is the user's Cinchy Id.

.getAccessToken() => Observable

Retrieves the access token (string) for the authenticated user when it is available.

returns Observable<string>

.checkSessionValidity() => Observable

Checks whether or not the access token used to query Cinchy is still valid. If invalid, the application will be unable to call queries on Cinchy.

returns Observable<{accessTokenIsValid: boolean}>

Example Usage

    success => {
        console.log('Session is valid!');
    error => {
        console.log('Session timed out!');

.executeCsql(query, params, callbackState?, type?) => Observable

Performs a custom CSQL query.

Properties such as "connectionid" and "transactionid" for values received from openConnection() and beginTransaction() can be inserted into the params object.

returns Observable<{queryResult: CinchyService.QueryResult, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
query string A CSQL query as a string
params string An object with variables associated or needed with the query (connectionid, transactionid, parameterized values)
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks
type? QueryType Used to determine what kind of query to execute (eg. QueryType.VERSION_HISTORY_QUERY would include version history records in the results). By default it uses QueryType.QUERY. See QueryType.

.executeQuery(domain, query, params, callbackState?) => Observable

Performs a query that's within Cinchy.

Properties such as "connectionid" and "transactionid" for values received from openConnection() and beginTransaction() can be inserted into the params object.

returns Observable<{queryResult: CinchyService.QueryResult, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
domain string The domain in which the query is in.
query string The query's name in the domain.
params string An object with variables associated or needed with the query (connectionid, transactionid, parameterized values)
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.openConnection(callbackState?) => Observable

Opens a connection with Cinchy for data transactions.

returns Observable<{connectionId: string, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.closeConnection(connectionId, callbackState?) => Observable

Closes a connection with Cinchy for data transactions.

returns Observable<{connectionId: string, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
connectionId string The connectionid of the connection you want to close.
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.beginTransaction(connectionId, callbackState?) => Observable

Starts a transaction.

returns Observable<{transactionId: string, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
connectionId string The connectionid of the connection you want to start a transaction on.
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.commitTransaction(connectionId, transactionId, callbackState?) => Observable

Commits a transaction.

returns Observable<{connectionId: string, transactionId: string, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
connectionId string The connectionid of the connection you want to commit the transaction on.
transactionId string The transactionid of the transaction you want to commit.
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.rollbackTransaction(connectionId, transactionId, callbackState?) => Observable

Rollback a transaction.

returns Observable<{connectionId: string, transactionId: string, callbackState}>

Param Type Description
connectionId string The connectionid of the connection you want to rollback the transaction on.
transactionId string The transactionid of the transaction you want to rollback.
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.executeQueries(queryParams, callbackState?) => Observable

Executes multiple queries.

returns Observable<{queryResult: CinchyService.QueryResult, callbackState}[]>

Param Type Description
queryParams [object] An object array. Each object containing variables (domain: string, query: string, params: object, callbackState: any)
callbackState? any Used for inserting an object of any type to be returned by the function's callbacks

.getGroupsCurrentUserBelongsTo() => Observable

Retrieves the access control groups the current user belongs to.

returns Observable<any>

.getTableEntitlementsById(tableId) => Observable

Retrieves a table's entitlements by its id.

returns Observable<any>

Param Type Description
tableId string The Cinchy Id of the table you want the entitlements of. Can be found when exporting a table model or simply when you view a table in the Cinchy platform, you can see its Id in the url.

.getTableEntitlementsByGuid(tableGuid) => Observable

Retrieves a table's entitlements by its GUID.

returns Observable<any>

Param Type Description
tableGuid string The guid of the table you want the entitlements of. Can be found when exporting a table model.

.getTableEntitlementsByName(tableDomain, tableName) => Observable

Retrieves a table's entitlements by its domain and name.

returns Observable<any>

Param Type Description
tableDomain string The name of the domain in which the table is in.
tableName string The name of the table.

.getUserPreferences() => Observable

Retrieves the current user's preferences (must be logged in).

returns Observable<CinchyUserPreference>

See CinchyUserPreference

.getTranslatedLiterals(guids, debug?) => Observable

Retrieves a dictionary of guids that map to their string translations. The language and region of the returned translated text will be based on the current user's language and region preferences inside Cinchy.

returns Observable<CinchyLiteralDictionary>

Param Type Description
guids string[] A string of guids corresponding to strings that you want translated.
debug boolean (Optional) A boolean flag. If set to true, the data returned will have more information about the translated text. See CinchyLiteralTranslation


QueryResult is within the namespace Cinchy.

It is the object that gets returned whenever you make a query using CinchyService. The object represents the data returned by a query in table form; providing you with functions to iterate through rows and columns to obtain values in each cell.

Think of the QueryResult as a table with a pointer. We nagivate through the table by moving the pointer to each row (default points to -1). In basic useage, we use .moveToNextRow() or .moveToRow() to move the pointer to the next or another row in the table. While pointing to a row, you may use .getCellValue(col) to obtain a cell's value in the row the pointer is located (See example usage).

.convertToObject(key) => Object

This returns the QueryResult as an object with a given column (must have unique values) as the keys mapping to each row.

For example, if you have a QueryResult dataset with columns "Customer Id", "Age", and "Birthday", you may call .convertToObject('Customer Id') and have it return an object with each row mapped to its Customer Id. This way, you may access a row's values based on a Customer Id.

Param Type Description
key string A column name that contains unique values.

.getColumns() => Array<Object>

Returns an array of objects definining each column by their name and field type.

The array of objects returned are defined as Array<{columnName: string, type: string}> where columnName is the name of the column and type is the data type of the values in the column (e.g. "Int32", "String", "Byte[]", etc.)

.getColNames() => Array<String>

Returns an array of column names as strings.

.getColCount() => number

Returns the number of columns.

.getRowCount() => number

Returns the number of rows.


Moves the row pointer to the next row.


Moves the row pointer to the given row index.

Param Type Description
idx number The index of the row you want the row pointer to move to.

.getCurrentRowIdx() => number

Returns the index of the current row the row pointer is at.


Moves the row pointer back to index -1.

.getCellValue(col) => any

Returns the cell value of the specified column on the current row.

Param Type Description
col string or number The name of a column or the index of a column.

.getMultiselectCellValue(col) => Array<String>

Returns an array of each value in a multiselect field.

When you use .getCellValue(col) on a multiselect column, it returns a string with commas separating each selected value. Using .getMultiselectCellValue(col) allows you to recieve an array instead.

Param Type Description
col string The name of the multiselect column.

.toObjectArray() => Array<Object>

Returns an array of objects representing each row in the dataset.

Each key in the object is a column name and maps it to the corresponding cell value. This is useful if you want to use a Array.prototype.map() function on each row.

CinchyUserPreference : Object

CinchyUserPreference is the object returned by the method getUserPreferences(). It is a data structure containing properties of the user's preferences.

interface CinchyUserPreference {
    username: string;
    name: string;
    displayName: string;
    emailAddress: string;
    profilePhoto: string;
    language: string;
    region: string;
    timeZone: string;
Property Type Description
username string The user's username.
name string The user's full name.
displayName string The user's name plus username in parentheses (e.g. "Jane Doe (jane.doe)").
profilePhoto string The user's profile photo in base64 encoding.
language string The user's preferred language's subtag.
region string The user's preferred region's subtag.
timeZone string The user's preferred time zone.

CinchyLiteralDictionary : Object

CinchyLiteralDictionary is the object returned by the method getTranslatedLiterals(guids). It is a dictionary that maps guids to a CinchyLiteralTranslation object (which in turn contains the translation of the guid's corresponding string inside Cinchy).

interface CinchyLiteralDictionary {
    [guid: string]: CinchyLiteralTranslation;
Property Type Description
any guid string CinchyLiteralTranslation Any guid key, maps to a CinchyLiteralTranslation object.

See CinchyLiteralTranslation.

CinchyLiteralTranslation : Object

CinchyLiteralTranslation is an object used within the CinchyLiteralDictionary dictionary. It is a data structure containing the translation of a literal within Cinchy.

interface CinchyLiteralTranslation {
    translation: string;
    language: string;
    region: string;
    defaultText: boolean;
Property Type Description
translation string The translation string.
language string (only on debug) The language subtag of the translated text.
region string (only on debug) The region subtag of the translated text.
defaultText boolean (only on debug) Whether or not the default text was used for the translation text.

See CinchyLiteralTranslation.

QueryType : enum

QueryType is an enum used within the executeCsql() function. It determines what kind of query is executed.

export enum QueryType {
    QUERY = "QUERY",
Type Description
QUERY Query that returns only approved data
DRAFT_QUERY Query that returns draft values
SCALAR Query that returns a scalar value (the first row and first column's value)
NONQUERY Non query (eg. inserts, updates, deletes)
VERSION_HISTORY_QUERY Query that returns version history

More Documentaion

See here for more documentation. See here for support.


This project is license under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0