
Utilities for hosting static Next.js site on Cloudflare Workers Sites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cinematixNextCloudflare from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cinematix/next-cloudflare';



Utilities for hosting static Next.js site on Cloudflare Workers Sites.

NOTE: This library works with static Next.js sites. It does not support server-side rendering or API routes. See zeit/next.js#11326


npm install --save @cinematix/next-cloudflare

Quick Start

From a new or existing Workers Site create a handler like this:

import { getEventHandler } from '@cinematix/next-cloudflare';
import routesManifest from './.next/routes-manifest.json';

const handleEvent = getEventHandler(routesManifest);

addEventListener('fetch', handleEvent);

Before building the worker, be sure to run npx next build && npx next export to generate the routes manifest. Alternatively, add a script like this to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "next build && next export && wrangler publish"


getEventHandler(routesManifest: object): function(event: Event) : void

Returns an event handler for the fetch event in a Cloudflare Worker. Uses event.respondWith() to handle the event.

getAsset(event: Event, routesManifest?: object): Promise<Response>

Returns the KV Asset based on the route. Resolves any dynamic routes and not found routes from the routesManifest.

getNotFoundAsset(event: Event): Promise<Response>

Returns the KV Asset for the 404.html page.