
useReactor hook for using RxJS with React Hooks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cinematixReactor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cinematix/reactor';



A React Hook for using RxJS with React.


useReactor(value$ => (
        // Whatever you want to do, but the end result will be passed to the dispatch callback.
), dispatch, state.someValueToWatch);


import { useReducer } from 'react';
import useReactor from '@cinematix/reactor';

const initialState = {
    search: '',

function reducer(state, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'CHANGE':
            return {
                [action.name]: action.value
        case 'RESULTS'
            return {
                results: action.results,
            throw Error('Unkown Action');

function AwesomeSearch() {
    const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

    const handleChange = ({ target }) => {
        const { name, value }
        dispatch({ action: 'CHANGE', name, value, });

    useReactor(value$ => (
            // Whatever you want to do, but the end result will be passed to the dispatch callback.
    ), dispatch, state.search);

    return (
            <label htmlFor="search">Search</label>
            <input type="text" name="search" id="search" value={state.search} onChange={handleChange} />
                {state.results.map(({ value, label }) => (
                    <li key={value}>{label}</li>


    reaction: (value$: Subject) => Subject,
    dispatch: (value: any) => void,
    input?: any | Array<any>
): Subject
  • reaction is a function that returns an instance of Subject
  • dispatch is a function that is called with the result of the reactor. It is the callback to Subject.subscribe(). It is best to end the observable sequence with action objects, but anything can be returned.
  • input is a single item or an array of items of data to emit. When any of the items have changed, the entire list will be emitted. Internally, this value is converted to an array (or used as is) and passed to useEffect().

The Subject that is returned can be used to emit values manually:

const { next } = useReactor(value$ => value$, value => console.log(value));
// hello!

Since the reactor only needs an instance of Subject a different subject can be returned:

useReactor(() => new BehaviorSubject('hello!'), value => console.log(value));
// hello!

Migrating from 1.x

  • The third parameter has been changed. An input of a scalar will emit a scalar, an input of an array will emit an array. In most instances changing useReactor(searchReactor, dispatch, [state.search]) to useReactor(searchReactor, dispatch, state.search) is sufficient.