
Typescript Reflector

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cirrusctTsReflector from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cirrusct/ts-reflector';



The bulk of the heavy lifting code from: https://github.com/s-panferov/tygen

tygen model is to walk all types and references in every source file in the entry package and all of its references in a ts project (whether used by entry package or not), create reflected objects with ts meta data, and immediately generate json files on disk to be consumed by documentation generation code.

This adaptation is focused on using tygen's code to parse out a project and using the reflected data store in-memory, and not on generating reflections to files.

This code is great for getting all of the ts data into a more usable form, but is expensive and slow as it parses lots of modules that are not necessarily used by the package we want to document.

Would eventually like to adapt to only walk modules referenced by entry package as required by the documentation code, but works for now..