

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import citizensadviceCadsIcons from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@citizensadvice/cads-icons';



npm (scoped)

Component type

  • Component


Name Description
@citizensadvice/cads-support System-wide global variables and functions


$ npm install @citizensadvice/cads-icons
@import "@citizensadvice/cads-icons/index.scss";

You can also make use of the unpkg service, try adding the link below to the head of your HTML file <link src="https://unpkg.com/@citizensadvice/cads-icons@latest/build/cads.icons.css" />

Icon list

Class name

Icon colour list

Icon colour class
Default - no class added


Our icon system makes use of SVG's so as to provide a crisp potentially scalable image wherever it's placed.

The initial icon component class is .c-icon and we've made a few modifier classes available for colours and types of icon.

<h1 class="u-spacingTop--none u-spacingBottom--sm">
  Icons in h1's<span class="c-icon c-icon--print"></span>

<h2 class="u-spacingTop--none u-spacingBottom--sm">
  Icons in h2's<span class="c-icon c-icon--print"></span>

<h3 class="u-spacingTop--none u-spacingBottom--xl">
  Icons in h3's<span class="c-icon c-icon--print"></span>

<label class="c-label u-spacingBottom--xl" for="firstname">
  Icons in labels:<span class="c-icon c-icon--black c-icon--print"></span>

<p class="u-spacingBottom--xl">
  Icons within paragraph anchors
  <a href="#">voluptates<span class="c-icon c-icon--print"></span></a>.

<button class="c-btn c-btn--primary">
  <span class="c-icon c-icon--white c-icon--arrow-left"></span>Previous

<button class="c-btn c-btn--primary">
  Next<span class="c-icon c-icon--white c-icon--arrow-right"></span>

<button class="c-btn c-btn--primary">
  Next<span class="c-icon c-icon--white c-icon--print"></span>