
Wallet-Connect-SDK to be used on React Apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cityofzionWalletConnectSdkReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cityofzion/wallet-connect-sdk-react';


WalletConnect 2.0 React SDK for Neo
Made by COZ.IO


For more documentation check out our docs.

For typescript SDK, try out the Core SDK.


Install the dependency on your client-side application:

npm i @cityofzion/wallet-connect-sdk-react


Wrap WalletConnectContextProvider around your App by passing an options object as prop

import {WalletConnectContextProvider} from "@cityofzion/wallet-connect-sdk-react";

const wcOptions = {
  chains: ["neo3:testnet", "neo3:mainnet"], // the blockchains your dapp accepts to connect
  logger: "debug", // use debug to show all log information on browser console
  methods: ["invokeFunction"], // which RPC methods do you plan to call
  relayServer: "wss://relay.walletconnect.org", // we are using walletconnect's official relay server 
  appMetadata: {
    name: "MyApplicationName", // your application name to be displayed on the wallet
    description: "My Application description", // description to be shown on the wallet
    url: "https://myapplicationdescription.app/", // url to be linked on the wallet
    icons: ["https://myapplicationdescription.app/myappicon.png"], // icon to be shown on the wallet

    <WalletConnectContextProvider options={wcOptions}>
      <App />


From now on, every time you need to use WalletConnect, you simply import it and call a method:

import {useWalletConnect} from "@cityofzion/wallet-connect-sdk-react";

export default function MyComponent() {
  const walletConnectCtx = useWalletConnect()
  // do something


Login (Or "Connect Wallet")

On the following example we are showing a "Connect your Wallet" link, when clicked it will show a dialog with the QRCode and proceed with the connection.

We are going to show "Loading Session" text while the session is loading.

And if the user already has a session it will show a list of connected addresses with a "Disconnect" link.

const connectWallet = async () => {
  await walletConnectCtx.connect()
  // the wallet is connected after the promise is resolved

return <>
  ? "Loading Session"
  : !walletConnectCtx.session ? <a
        onClick={connectWallet}>Connect your Wallet</a>
  : <ul>
            {walletConnectCtx.accounts.map((account) => {
                const [namespace, reference, address] = account.split(":");
                return <li key={address}>
                    <a onClick={walletConnectCtx.disconnect}>Disconnect</a>

Make a JSON-RPC call

very request is made via JSON-RPC. You need to provide a method name that is expected by the wallet and listed on the methods property of the options object, and some additional parameters.

The JSON-RPC format accepts parameters in many formats. The rules on how to construct this request will depend entirely on the blockchain you are using. The code below is an example of a request constructed for the Neo Blockchain:

const resp = await walletConnectCtx.sendRequest({
  method: 'rpcMethod',
  params: ['param', 3, true]

// the response format depends interely on the blockchain response format
if (resp.result.error && resp.result.error.message) {

Invoking a SmartContract method on Neo Blockchain

To invoke a SmartContract method you can use walletConnectCtx.sendRequest with invokeFunction as method, but WcSdk has a shortcut: walletConnectCtx.invokeFunction.

On the example below we are invoking the transfer method of the GAS token. Neo blockchain expect params with { type, value } format, and on type you should provide one of the types mentioned here. WcSdk has some special types to facilitate: Address and ScriptHash.

Check it out:

const senderAddress = walletConnectCtx.getAccountAddress(0) ?? ''

const invocations: ContractInvocation[] = [{
  scriptHash: '0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf', // GAS Token
  operation: 'transfer',
  args: [
    { type: 'Address', value: senderAddress },
    { type: 'Address', value: 'NbnjKGMBJzJ6j5PHeYhjJDaQ5Vy5UYu4Fv' },
    { type: 'Integer', value: 100000000 },
    { type: 'Array', value: [] }

const signers: Signer[] = [{
  scopes: WitnessScope.CalledByEntry

const resp = await walletConnectCtx.invokeFunction({invocations, signers});

Calling TestInvoke will not require user acceptance

To retrieve information from a SmartContract without persisting any information on the blockchain you can use walletConnectCtx.sendRequest with testInvoke as method, but WcSdk has a shortcut: walletConnectCtx.testInvoke.

On the example below we are invoking the balanceOf method of the GAS token.

Is expected for the Wallets to not ask the user for authorization on testInvoke.

Check it out:

const targetAddress = walletConnectCtx.getAccountAddress(0) ?? ''

const invocations: ContractInvocation[] = [{
  scriptHash: '0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf', // GAS Token
  operation: 'balanceOf',
  args: [
    { type: 'Address', value: targetAddress }

const signers: Signer[] = [{
  scopes: WitnessScope.CalledByEntry

const resp = await walletConnectCtx.testInvoke({invocations, signers});