
UI starter kit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clarabridgeUiSkeleton from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clarabridge/ui-skeleton';


Clarabridge UI Skeleton

Clarabridge UI Skeleton starter kit.


  1. Node 10.13 or later release


Clarabridge UI Skeleton is an npm package that can be run without installing it on your machine.

To start a new Clarabridge Angular project with this skeleton,

$ npx @angular/cli@13 new myproject
cd myproject
npx -p @clarabridge/ui-skeleton common-ui
npm start

That's it!


The starter-app itself is located in the starter-app directory.

To move the correct files (as a concatenated js file) to the bin directory as an executable, we can run npm run build before publishing a new version of the package.