
Simple lambda router for Node serverless

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clarityhubServerlessSimpleRouter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clarityhub/serverless-simple-router';



Node.js CI

A simple router solution for managing many routes from one lambda in a serverless context.

npm i --save @clarityhub/serverless-simple-router

Basic Usage

In these examples, we route paths to our router function using the following serverless.yml configuration:

service: example
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x
    handler: src/router.default
      - http:
          path: /
          method: any
          cors: true
      - http:
          path: /{proxy+}
          method: any
          cors: true

Using Simple Routes

You can use the router to map routes to objects and methods:

import { Router } from '@clarityhub/serverless-simple-router';

const tasks = {
    getAll(event, context, cb) {
        cb({ statusCode: 200 });
    get(event, context, cb) {
        cb({ statusCode: 200 });
    create(event, context, cb) {
        cb({ statusCode: 200 });
    update(event, context, cb) {
        const id = event.pathParameter.id;
        cb({ statusCode: 200 });
    delete(event, context, cb) {
        const id = event.pathParameter.id;
        cb({ statusCode: 200 });

const routes = new Router();
routes.get('/tasks', tasks, 'getAll');
routes.post('/tasks', tasks, 'create');
routes.get('/tasks/:id', tasks, 'get');
routes.put('/tasks/:id', tasks, 'update');
routes.delete('/tasks/:id', tasks, 'delete');
export default routes.exec();

Using Resources

You can use resources to simplify routes:

// The routes above can be simplified to:
routes.resource('/tasks', tasks);

Using RouteBuilder

To handle more complex routes with middy middleware support, you can use the RouteBuilder to create routes and resources.

Using RouteBuilder also lets you write async code without worrying about callbacks.

import { Router, RouteBuilder } from '@clarityhub/serverless-simple-router';

class TaskController {
    async getAll() {
        return [];
    async create() {
        return {};

// Create 1 route
routes.get('/tasks', RouteBuilder.method(TaskController, 'getAll'));

// Add middy Middleware
const middyMiddleware = [httpHeaderNormalizer(), cors(), bodyParser()];
routes.create('/tasks', RouteBuilder.method(TaskController, 'create', middyMiddleware));

// You can also use RouteBuilder with a resource:
routes.resource('/tasks', RouteBuilder.crud(TaskController, middyMiddleware));

export default routes.exec();

RBAC with RouteBuilder

Since RBAC is a common pattern, we added a simplified version to the RouteBuilder automatically. The rbac object will be passed to middy middleware for you to evaluate:

function useRbac(options) {
    return {
        async before({ context }) {
            // Demonstration by adding rbac options to context
            context.rbac = options.rbac;

class Tasks {
    create({ context }) {
        return context.rbac;

    When this route is called, it will return:
    { resource: 'tasks', action: 'create' }
routes.create('/tasks', RouteBuilder.method(TaskController, 'create', [useRbac], { rbac: 'tasks' }));



new Router(options)

Create a new router object

  • options - object
    • urlOptions – takes properties from url-pattern.
    • notFoundResponse – what to return when a route is not found. Defaults to JSON 404 response.

[method](path: String, obj: Object, objMethod: String)

Add a handler using an object and object name. Supported methods are get, post, put, delete, patch.

Paths can take simple params as well. Example: /tasks/:id. The id param will be available via event.pathParameter.id.

[method](path: String, routeBuilderMethod: RouteBuilderMethod)

Add a handler using a RouteBuilder.

resource(path: String, obj: Object)

Add a set of handlers for get, geAll, create, update, and delete.

resource(path: String, routeBuilderCrud: RouterBuilderCrud)

Add a set of handlers using a RouteBuilder.

exec(): Function

Returns a function for you to pass back to the lambda.


RouteBuilder.method(Controller: Class, method: String, additionalMiddleware: Array<Middy>, options: Object)

Create a single RouteBuilderMethod using a Class (not an instance/object).

RouteBuilder.crud(Controller: Class, additionalMiddleware: Array<Middy>, options: Object)

Create a RouteBuilderCrud using a Class (not an instance/object).


You can run tests via the cli:

npm run test


MIT Licensed