
Heap with superpowers! 💪

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clarketmSuperheap from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clarketm/superheap';



NPM release

Heap with superpowers! 💪

Individual Module Installation


$ yarn add @clarketm/superheap


$ npm install @clarketm/superheap --save


constructor(iterable: Array<Item>, comparator: Comparator)

Construct a Heap

size: number

Get the current size of the heap

max: Item

Get the maximum item in heap

min: Item

Get the minimum item in heap

isEmpty(): boolean

Check if heap is empty

clear(): void

Clear the items from the heap

insert(value: Item): number

Insert an item into the heap

Name Type Attribute Description
value Item item to insert

deleteMax(): Item

Remove and return the maximum item

deleteMin(): Item

Remove and return the minimum item

toArray(): Array<Item>

Convert the heap to an array