Notes Application
Notes - class 04 lab
Author: Clayton Jones
Links and Resources
How to initialize/run your application (where applicable)
- If cloned repo:
npm i
- npm package:
npm i @claytonjones7/notes
- connect to local mongoDB
mongod --dbpath=PATH_TO_DB
How to use your library (where applicable)
- add a note:
notes -a (or --add) "NOTE_TO_ADD" (optional: --category "CATEGORY_FOR_NOTE")
- list notes:
notes -l (or --list) (optional: "CATEGORY")
- delete a note:
- How do you run tests?
npm test
- Any tests of note?
- input.js
- testing various flags and user input combinations
- notes.js
- tests done in notes-model
- notes-model.js
- tested all CRUD functions
- input.js
- Describe any tests that you did not complete, skipped, etc
- notes.test.js contains fake true is truthy test. mongoDB CRUD functions tested in notes-model tests