
ClayBadge component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clayuiBadge from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clayui/badge';


title: 'Badge' description: 'Badges help highlight important information, such as notifications or new and unread messages.' lexiconDefinition: 'https://liferay.design/lexicon/core-components/badges/' packageNpm: '@clayui/badge'

import {Badge} from '$packages/clay-badge/docs/index';

Badges are not used for non-numeric values. If you have a non-numeric value, use labels instead. Badges work for exact numbers up to 999. For numbers greater than 999, use K to indicate Thousands (5K for 5.231) and M to indicate Millions (2M for 2.100.523).

We recommend that you review the use cases in the Storybook.