
ClayForm component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clayuiForm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clayui/form';


title: 'Form' description: 'Forms obtain user data and transmit it to the system to either store the data, produce an action, or both.' lexiconDefinition: 'https://liferay.design/lexicon/core-components/forms/' packageNpm: '@clayui/form' alwaysActive: true

import {Form, FormValidation, FormText} from '$packages/clay-form/docs/index';

Use ClayForm components for composing forms.

For controlling groups inside forms, use ClayForm.Group components like the code below:


.has-error, .has-success and .has-warning classes are used in ClayForm.Group to identifier validation state of the form group items.

Use ClayForm.FeedbackGroup and ClayForm.FeedbackItem for creating custom feedback messages for Form Groups.

ClayForm.FeedbackIndicator is used to apply an Icon on the feedback message, like the following example:

Group Caption

Use ClayForm.Text for creating a caption on Form Groups.