
ClayLocalizedInput component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clayuiLocalizedInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clayui/localized-input';


title: 'Localized Input' description: 'A text input variation used in fields that can be translated into multiple languages.' lexiconDefinition: 'https://liferay.design/lexicon/core-components/forms/text-input-localizable/' packageNpm: '@clayui/localized-input'

import { LocalizableInput, LocalizableInputWithURL, } from '$packages/clay-localized-input/docs/index';

Use it when you want to enable the users to define values like post titles, headings in multiple languages not having to rely on automatic translations.

Localized URL

You might want to allow your users to localize URLs, in that case here's an example of how to compose Localized Input to get the desired result. The main parts are the prependContent and resultFormatter props.