
ClayTooltip component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clayuiTooltip from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clayui/tooltip';


title: 'Tooltip' description: 'Tooltips are brief pieces of information that appear on hover state over an element to clarify its meaning or use for the user.' lexiconDefinition: 'https://liferay.design/lexicon/core-components/popovers-tooltips/' packageNpm: '@clayui/tooltip'

import { Tooltip, TooltipProvider, TooltipProviderRenderer, } from '$packages/clay-tooltip/docs/index';

Simplest way of using Tooltip is by leveraging it's show prop and specifying alignPosition to determine it's position relative to the element it's aligned to.

If you have multiple Tooltips on the page, TooltipProvider allows you to only have to instantiate the component once and simply provide html attributes to the elements that need tooltips.


By using the <TooltipProvider> it allows you to add the desired tooltip content on each element as a data attribute.

Here's a list of html attributes that you can provide to children elements of the TooltipProvider:

  • title is for the tooltip content.
  • data-tooltip-align is for alignment direction.
  • data-tooltip-delay is for the delay(ms) before showing the tooltip.


contentRenderer prop gives you the ability to format the content passed to the Tooltip via the title attribute to meet your requirements.