
react error handling

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clearc2C2Error from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clearc2/c2-error';


@clearc2/c2-error CircleCI

Provides a method to handle react component and ajax errors.


# for yarn
yarn add @clearc2/c2-error

# for npm
npm install @clearc2/c2-error

Configure the package by:

  • setting the debug mode
  • returning any app related information at the time of error
  • supplying how errors should be reported(if at all)
  • add the ajax error interceptor
// src/c2-error-config.js
import {addErrorInterceptor, setConfig} from '@clearc2/c2-error'
import ajax from '../ajax'
import store from '../store'

  debug: ['staging', 'development'].includes(global.NODE_ENV),
  getInfo: () => {
    return {
      url: window.location.href,
      date: new Date(),
      loginId: store.getState().getIn(['Users', 'currentLoginId']),
      env: global.NODE_ENV
  reportAjaxError: (props) => {
    const {closeToast, ...error} = props
    return ajax.post('/api-error', {error}).then(closeToast)
  reportComponentError: (props) => {
    const {closeToast, ...error} = props
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        window.location.href =
          `mailto:${global.errorEmail}` +
          `&subject=Runtime Error <project-name>` +
          `&body=${JSON.stringify(error, null, 4)}`


<ToastContainer /> and css

c2-error uses react-toastify to display error notifications. To display toasts, a <ToastContainer /> needs to be added to a root component that is always rendered regardless of route.

import {ToastContainer} from 'react-toastify'
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css'

function App () {
  return (
    <div className='main-content'>
      <ToastContainer />
      {/* other app stuff */}


All fields are optional.

debug: bool

Determines whether or not to display debug information in the toast. Defaults to false.

getInfo: func

This should return any arbitrary information collected at the time the error occurs. Defaults to function that returns {url: window.location.href, date: new Date()}.

toastOptions: object

Default toast options. Defaults to {autoClose: false, closeOnClick: false}.

reportAjaxError: func

Must return a Promise. This function gets an object with the following keys: message, closeToast, info, error. closeToast is the function to programtically close the toast. error is the axios error object.

reportComponentError: func

Must return a Promise. This function gets an object with the following keys: message, closeToast, info, error, errorInfo, componentProps. error and errorInfo are what the error boundary catches. Read about these objects here. componentProps are the props that the underlying component received.


c2-error can handle two types of errors: component and ajax.

Component Errors

Use the onCatch higher-order component to provide a placeholder and toast message.

import React from 'react'
import {onCatch} from '@clearc2/c2-error'

function UserTable () {
  undefined.test() // intentional error
  return (

export default onCatch({
  placeholder: 'Error :(',
  message: 'User table error'

// or customize the toast
export default onCatch({
  placeholder: 'Error :(',
  message: 'User table error',
  type: 'warn',
  options: {autoClose: true}

// or customize the message based on props or the error
export default onCatch({
  placeholder: 'Error :(',
  message: (props, error, errorInfo) => `User table error. User: ${props.loginId}`

The onCatch wraps the component in an error boundary. It does two things.

  1. Displays the placeholder instead of the component if it errors(UserTable in the example above)
  2. Creates a toast

Use the ifErrorsProp HOC to display a placeholder if the component receives an errors prop.

import {onCatch, ifErrorsProp} from '@clearc2/c2-error'

const enhance = compose(
  onCatch({placeholder: 'Error', message: 'User table error.'}),
  connect(userTableSelector, {fetchUsers}),
  ifErrorsProp({placeholder: 'Error'})

export default enhance(UserTable)

The onCatch HOC is meant to catch thrown javascript runtime errors using a React error boundary. The ifErrorsProp HOC displays a placeholder if errors are passed as a prop. For example, your component's redux selector can map in errors from a request(s).

The ifErrorsProp HOC is not meant to be used if the component is expecting errors to be passed to it. For example, with a form, it is very likely that users will enter invalid data and the api will respond with validation errors. Rather than replacing the whole form with a placeholder, the form will most likely want to render those errors above the inputs to allow the user to correct their input.

Ajax Errors

c2-error uses axios's config object to display errors if the request promise is rejected.

// use a simple error message
axios.get('/sites/123/tickets', {onError: `Error fetching site 123's tickets.`})

// or return a string based on the axios error
axios.get('/sites/123/tickets', {
  onError: (error) => {
    if (error.response.status === 404) {
      return `Couldn't find site 123's tickets.`
    return `Error fetching site 123's tickets.`

// or customize the toast by returning an object
axios.get('/sites/123/tickets', {
  onError: (error) => {
    return {
      message: `${error.response.status} - Error fetching site 123's tickets.`,
      type: 'warn',
      options: {
        autoClose: true


Higher-order components can become awkward if several are used on the same component. Redux comes with a compose function that makes this less awkward.

import React from 'react'
import {compose} from 'redux'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {onCatch, ifErrorsProp} from '@clearc2/c2-error'
import SitesTable from './SitesTable'
import selector from './selector'
import {fetchSites} from '../actions'

const enhance = compose(
  onCatch({placeholder: <BrokenIcon />, message: 'Sites table error'}),
  connect(selector, {fetchSites}),
  ifErrorsProp({placeholder: <BrokenIcon />})

export default enhance(SitesTable)

// the above is the same as this:
export default onCatch({placeholder: <BrokenIcon />, message: 'Sites table error'})(connect(selector, {fetchSites})(ifErrorsProp({placeholder: <BrokenIcon />})(UserTable)))