
React components based on Bulma.io

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cleyFayeReactBulma from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cley_faye/react-bulma';



Making React component to leverage the Bulma.io framework. Done as an exercise to learn both, not production ready!


This library expect your project to understand ESM files. There's a dependency on core-js@3 for Babel transpiling.


You can import directly part of the library:

import Box from "@cley_faye/react-bulma/dist/element/box";



The built files target the following browserstring: "last 2 version, > 1%, not dead" using Babel. The files doesn't require extra conversion; no JSX is present in the built files.

Bugs and inconsistencies

Probably a lot. This is a work in progress.

Form input fields

Input (checkbox, input, textarea and select) are designed to "cooperate" with a controller component that holds all their value in its own state. This can be achieved in two ways:

  • provide a controller prop to each input, along with a name property that matches the state property they refer to
  • enclose all inputs with <Controller controller={this}> in the component that holds all the states.

Alternatively, it is possible to simply use onChange on inputs to do things by hand.