
censor words

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clickteamCensorJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clickteam/censor-js';



censor-js is a javascript library for censor stringified json with a whitelist for nodejs.


Use the package manager npm to install censor-js.

npm install @clickteam/censor-js


const { Censor } = require('censor-js');

const text = `{
    "calender-name": "test",
    "calender": {
        "day-1" {
            "description": "testing the library",
            "content": "the library works awesome"

const censor = new Censor({
    whitelist: {
        "testing": true,
        "the": {
            "library": {
                "works": false,
                "is": {
                    "sucks": false
    fixedAllowedWords: {
        "calender-name": true,
        "calender": true,
        "day-1": true,
        "desctiption": true,
        "content": true
    fixedAllowedChars: [
    prefixAllowedLettersCount: 1,
    suffixAllowedLettersCount: 0,
    mixSpaceBetweenPrefixAndSuffix: 1,
    replaceString: '*'

const censorText = censor.replaceFromJson(text);


Name Description
whitelist js object with the structure above
fixedAllowedWords fixed words that are part of the format, for example props name
fixedAllowedChars fixed chars that are part of the format, for example '{', ',' etc..
prefixAllowedLettersCount how match letters you allow to show start from the prefix, value=2 'hello' -> 'he***'
suffixAllowedLettersCount how match letters you allow to show start from the suffix, value=2 'hello' -> '***lo'
mixSpaceBetweenPrefixAndSuffix how match letters you allow to hide from prefix to suffix
replaceString char value to replace all other chars
